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Peabody man charged with 6th OUI in motorcycle crash


PEABODY — A Peabody man was arrested on a sixth drunk driving offense earlier this month after crashing a motorcycle into a stone wall while under the influence.

The incident occurred just before 11 p.m. on Oct. 5 at the corner of Franklin and Kosciusko streets.

George Bradley, 55, was allegedly speeding down Franklin Street on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle when he noticed a stop sign too late, tried to break and “left a skid mark for approximately 50 feet before disregarding the stop sign and crashing into the stone wall of 5 Kosciusko St.,” according to a police report.

Bradley was evaluated at the scene for injuries, but refused to be taken to the hospital, police said. While the motorcycle was dented in the crash, the wall was undamaged.

Police said Bradley failed field sobriety tests at the scene and was arrested.

In addition to a sixth drunk driving offense, he was charged with operating an unregistered and uninsured vehicle, negligently operating a vehicle and driving with a suspended license.

Police said the motorcycle was owned by someone other than Bradley.

The Essex County District Attorney’s office confirmed that Bradley did have his driver’s license revoked for life upon his fifth OUI offense, per state law.

He is being held without bail following a dangerousness hearing.

Contact Caroline Enos at


By Caroline Enos | Staff Writer

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