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Patience mantras – Self-control and how to stay calm – Milsy Girl


Are you looking for a mantra that you can repeat to yourself when you are feeling stressed or impatient? Or do you feel the need for a few minutes of meditation to calm you down and help you to cope with frustrating situations? Maybe you sometimes wonder how you can control your patience? Using patience mantras are ideal for this and will really help you.

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What is patience and why is it important?

Patience is the ability to accept or endure delay, complications, or anguish without becoming irritated or angry.

Being able to stay patient is important for so many reasons but one of the most important ones is that it allows you to stay focused and clear headed. If you behave impatiently it is likely that you will become angry and your mental ability to think rationally and logically will disappear. Also, very often, you will make bad and ill thought out decisions in this state. Another important reason you should try to be patient is that the people around you could be upset or hurt by your irrational and aggressive behaviour. Unfortunately, being impatient and being unkind usually go hand in hand.

An effective method for controlling your patience is meditation which can include the use of patience mantras.

What is meditation?

Meditation is the process of refocusing your thoughts and therefore calming and clearing your mind. Learning to meditate is a skill that you can learn and it has been taught for centuries.

“Meditation is practiced in numerous religious traditions. The earliest records of meditation (dhyana) are found in the Upanishads of Hindu philosophy, and meditation plays a salient role in the contemplative repertoire of Buddhism and Hinduism. Since the 19th century, Asian meditative techniques have spread to other cultures where they have also found application in non-spiritual contexts, such as business and health.

Meditation may significantly reduce stressanxietydepression, and pain, and enhance peace, perception, self-concept, and well-being. Research is ongoing to better understand the effects of meditation on health (psychological, neurological, and cardiovascular) and other areas.” Wikipedia.

9 types of meditation are:

  • mindfulness
  • spiritual
  • focused
  • movement
  • mantras
  • transcendental
  • progressive
  • loving-kindness

Whilst I would love to explore the world of meditation with you today, in this post I am only focusing on mantras as a form of meditation to help instil patience.

What is a patience mantra?

A mantra is a selection of words or a sentence that you repeat over and over either out load or in your head. This process of repetition of particular words can send you in to a mild meditative state which lowers your heart rate and helps to calm you. When you say calming, peaceful words in a mantra it can help to ease your stress and make you more patient in any situation. This group of words is called your patience mantra or calming mantra.

What are the 5 patience mantras?

There are many mantras that people use for different reasons but these 5 words resonate with me and help me to feel calm and patience each time I use them.






5 minutes of meditation – For improvement of patience

Use these 5 words as a daily 5 minute mediation session. Make sure you find a quiet, calm place where you can relax and you won’t be interrupted. Then, quietly repeat each word to yourself for 1 minute. After you have  completed this patience mantra you will have achieved your daily 5 minutes of mediation. Now, you should find you feel calmer and happier and ready to take on the rest of the day.

Other patience mantras

Here is a selection of other powerful patience mantras that I also find useful. Give them a go as well if you like.

I am patient with myself and others.

patience mantras

Slow down and roll with the waves.

patience mantras

Trust in yourself. Your best is yet to some.

patience mantras

Wait. Listen. Understand. Respond.

patience mantras

I am in no hurry. All will be revealed in time.

Have a go at the 5 minutes of meditation I mentioned above and see how it makes you feel. Then leave me a cooment and let me know if it works for you.

Why not share this post with a friend and give them chance to discover the power of patience.


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