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Parents Will Now Be Able to Grade Their Child’s School Safety


The new School Safety Report Card will allow parents to observe potential safety risks at their children’s schools, and schools will be expected to respond.

Press Release

Jul 13, 2022

The School Safety Advocacy Council (SSAC), the nation’s leading school safety training and assessment organization for the past 20 years, recently released a new tool for parents to become more active in helping local schools keep students safe. The new School Safety Parent Report Card© will rely on parents making safety-related observations of their children’s schools through a series of 10 simple questions that parents will answer based upon their daily observations when visiting their child’s school or just dropping off and picking up their children. The areas in question are easily observed, and in most cases may be missed if not actively thinking about safety factors and protocols. Areas such as locked gates, locked doors, exterior door numbers, classroom door locks, visitor management and more. After the brief questionnaire and based upon the responses, a grade of A through F will be assigned and the parent will forward a copy of the report to the School Principal, Superintendent of schools and/or Elected Community leaders. The idea is to immediately inform school leaders that gaps in the school safety protocol may exist and that these issues should be addressed immediately.

“Through the many tragedies we have seen over the past 30 years, we always come across parents who later state they knew a particular area was vulnerable to threats,” said Curtis Lavarello, Executive Director of the School Safety Advocacy Council. “This not only engages more sets of eyes each day around schools but brings about ownership and accountability on the part of the school administration,” continued Lavarello.   

“School Safety is something that should be the most important factor in our children’s education, not only following a mass school shooting, but every single day,” said Sean Burke, SSAC’s President and former law enforcement commander just outside of Boston, MA.

There is no cost for the program, and the report card can be downloaded at

Source: SSAC


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