Everyone who is sick of the time change, raise your hand (ooooh OOOOH that’s me with my hand outstretched as high as humanly possible).
Why do we keep doing this to ourselves?! It’s a real pain in the you-know-what. Moms, I know you can relate the most. Nothing screws up naptime or a sleep schedule more than changing the clocks. It’s incredible how one measly hour can transform your child into a raging beast. It can make one tiny day feel like a week. You have to manually walk around changing all the clocks in the house and car. And if you have any sort of appointment on the Sunday following the time change, you have to be extra sure you get there on time, because what time is it anyway?! I’m tired just thinking about it. And all this for the sake of a lousy hour.
I say, leave those clocks alone. Let’s be done with this annoying bi-annual tradition of torture. Most of Saskatchewan and some parts of Quebec, BC, and Ontario no longer follow daylight savings. How do we get a seat on that bandwagon because I am DOWN!?
A full-time work-from-home mom, Jennifer Cox (our “Supermom in Training”) loves dabbling in healthy cooking, craft projects, family outings, and more, sharing with readers everything she knows about being an (almost) superhero mommy.