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Paper Doll Outfits for George Santos’ Wardrobe – Marilyn Sands, Humor Times


The Great Pretender George Santos has many fashionable disguises. Help him decide what to wear with these paper doll outfits!

George Santos must have a tough time deciding what to wear with all his character options. Use any of these paper doll outfits to choose for him:

paper doll

1.  COLLEGIATE PREPPIE: The Cozy Confident Look, to make you appear studious & fit in anywhere – whether you claim to have been Einstein’s Roommate or Lindbergh’s Co-Pilot!

George Santos

2.  THE SPORTY LOOK:  For all your Basketball Ownership Team Events or your ‘Get’ as Elon Musk’ Personal Assistant’s Assistant or let’s be real – a Squirrely Sidewalk Solicitor in front of Piggley Wiggley!

George Santos paper doll

3.  THE ELEGANT LOOK: To accept all your Oscar Director Awards or your heady days of being ‘Maitre D’ & Bouncer at New York’s Copacabana!

George Santos

4.  CONGRESS’ YEARLY PROMO SHOOT: Bottom Line – ‘Does this Flag make me look fat’?

George Santos

5.  MEDIA FRENZY ATTIRE – The Un-Woke Look: Straight from ‘a Quickie’ with Mother Teresa, Tea with Marie Antoinette or let’s face it – just racing to get from your office to the John Look!

George Santos paper doll

6.  THE SWEET-TALKER LOOK: Asking Marjorie Taylor Greene to borrow her fake fur coat for just 1 night!


7.  RING-AROUND-THE-COLLAR VESTMENT: Posing as a former Priest trying to adjust to new life in Congress or ‘Turtlenecks’ are back – even Mitch McConnell has one!

George Santos

8.  AND, THE REAL ‘GEORGIE GIRL’: Quite the Strudel!  Washington, D.C. hasn’t had this much estrogen in it since Marilyn Monroe left her panties on Lincoln’s Bed!

George Santos paper doll



Marilyn Sands

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