Pop Culture
Pamela Anderson Is Telling Her Own Story
For years it seems we’ve heard the story of Pamela Anderson. Blonde bombshell hair. Thorn arm cuff tattoo. Red bathing suit. Sex tape with Tommy Lee.
After incessant labeling of Pamela as a sex symbol and clamoring to see private videos that were sold online as blackmail, maybe the public got it wrong. With the recent release of Hulu’s Pam & Tommy – starring Lily James and Sebastian Stan – we see a Pamela who worked hard to be taken seriously as an actress when everyone kept sexualizing her. But the focus of the Hulu series still seems to be the release of the sex tape.
Now, Anderson has decided to tell her story for the first time ever in her documentary Pamela, a love story – on none other than Hulu’s rival streaming platform, Netflix.
“I blocked that stolen tape out of my life in order to survive, and now that it’s all coming up again, I feel sick. I want to take control of the narrative, for the first time,” she says in the preview.
Anderson may be a victim of being Woman’d, but that’s not stopping her from taking back her power – nice revenge for the Hulu series re-airing of her dirty laundry. In this new docu, the audience will see Pamela through new eyes, in her own words – something I’m sure no one’s seen before.
“I had to make a career out of the pieces left. But I’m not the damsel in distress. I put myself in crazy situations… and survived them. You have to be brave and you’ve gotta use what you got.”
Pamela, a love story premieres on Netflix January 31.
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Jai Phillips
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