Our Black Friday Sale Is on Now!
Add some green to your Black Friday with 20 percent off all merchandise on The sale is site-wide, so it includes all clothing, video downloads, outreach materials, and more. If you’re heading into winter, cozy up with our sweatpants (back by popular demand!), hoodies, or a crewneck sweatshirt. Sale ends November 28. All proceeds go to keeping running!
Key Takeaways: Walnuts
The Global Burden of Disease Study calculated that not eating enough nuts and seeds was the third-leading dietary risk factor for death and disability in the world. That is why I recommend a daily serving of at least ¼ cup nuts or seeds or 2 tablespoons of nut or seed butter in my Daily Dozen checklist. So, which nut is healthiest? Walnuts really seem to take the lead due to their high antioxidant and omega-3 levels, and they beat out other nuts in vitro in suppressing cancer cell growth. And, of all the nuts studied in PREDIMED, the largest dietary intervention trial to assess the effects of a Mediterranean-type diet on cardiovascular disease prevention, the researchers found the greatest benefits associated with walnuts, particularly for potentially preventing cancer deaths. Check out all of my videos on walnuts on the topic page.
Recipe: Baked Apples with Walnuts and Goji Berries
After reading about the benefits of walnuts, I bet you’re ready to snack on some! Here’s a delicious fall treat from The How Not to Diet Cookbook that tastes like apple pie, but without all of the sugar and butter. And as a bonus, it will make your house smell divine while it bakes! Check out the recipe, and watch a video on how it’s made on our Instagram.
Volume 60 Is Out Now
I’m excited to release my 60th volume of videos! Sixty! I’ve created more than 2,000 videos in the lifetime of and have no plans of slowing down anytime soon! This new volume includes a series on tongue scraping, the controversy around cholesterol, whether vegans suffer more bone fractures, my popular webinar video on vitamin K2, and more.
Each video in this new volume will be released online over the next few months, available for free, of course, but if you don’t want to wait, you can stream all of them right now.
If you are a $15+ monthly supporter and opted in to our donor rewards, you’re likely an expert on these new topics by now, since you already received a complimentary link to the new download. If you’d like early access to new videos before they’re available to the public, please consider becoming a monthly supporter. Without your generosity, we wouldn’t be able to continue our work. Thank you!
And, remember, if you watch the videos on or YouTube, you can access captions in several different languages. To find yours, click on the settings wheel in the lower-right corner of the video and then “Subtitles/CC.” (You can also watch our new video about changing your settings.) Happy viewing!
Volunteer Spotlight: Laura McClanathan
I love everything about volunteering for Dr. Greger! I’m a part of the wonderful Article Retrieval Team where I help track down articles he needs for his books and videos. It’s incredibly fun detective work that really appeals to me as a reference librarian. What is most satisfying about it is that I feel I am making a tangible contribution to the body of evidence-based information about the incredible—and positive—power of plant-based eating. And it’s an honor to give back to someone who has helped me learn so much.
My favorite recipe is Dr. Greger’s ranch dressing. It is so delicious and versatile—cashews, unsweetened soy milk, a tasty spice blend, lemon, vinegar, red onion, dates, white miso, parsley, and dill.
Top Three Videos
The Side Effects of Burning Incense
Burning incense has been found to generate about four times the particulate matter as burning cigarettes.
The Benefits of Fenugreek for Preventing and Treating Diabetes
The spice fenugreek contains 4-hydroxyisoleucine, a peculiar amino acid that may explain its benefits for controlling blood sugar.
Foods That Cause and Help Halitosis (Bad Breath)
Most bad breath is due to the decay of sulfur-containing proteins.
Thank you so much for the wonderful birthday messages and donations last month. My 50th felt truly special thanks to your kindness and your support. I enjoyed celebrating with the team at our annual staff retreat this year! If you missed my live Q&A last week, you can watch the recording by going to our Live Q&A page. And I recently did a fun interview with Tami of Nutmeg Notebook. Check it out!
Michael Greger M.D. FACLM
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