At the conclusion of a frosty commute, when my toes and fingers and ears are numb, I throw off my bulky jacket and immediately pop a large mug of water in the microwave (I’m too impatient to wait for a kettle to boil). I’m already halfway to my favorite way to warm up: a gigantic cup of fragrant, ruby rooibos. A warm drink (be it a cocktail or booze-free) first thaws my hands, but then builds a steady heat with each sip—sort of like a space heater for my insides. I’m partial to an aromatic mug of tea, but experiment with one of these 17 hot drinks to battle the cold.

These warming, nonalcoholic concoctions—a mixture of teas, crisp cider, and bold coffee—have something for everyone and are the perfect accompaniment to our best winter desserts.

When it’s so cold your parka isn’t cutting it, we’ll sip on something with an even stronger, warmer, and boozier kick. From mulled wine to the hot toddy, there’s no shortage of delicious, toasty cocktails.

This article was updated in October 2023 to include more of our favorite warm drinks.

Entertaining inspiration from Food52

What are your favorite warm drinks? Do you have a thawing ritual?

Katie Macdonald

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