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Oshamir: The Playlist — Songs About Our Favorite Ship From The Acolyte


WARNING: This article includes spoilers for the finale of The Acolyte! Read at your own risk.

If you’re anything like us, you’ve been deeply entrenched in Oshamir brainrot for the last couple of days following the season finale of The Acolyte. Yes, we said season, because we choose to believe in our hearts that it’ll be renewed for Season 2. We still have many questions: Will we discover what happened between Qimir/The Stranger and Vernestra? Will we get to see Qimir and Osha train together? What is The Stranger’s real name? Will we finally get to see the scrapped Oshamir kiss?!?!

Like we said, deeply entrenched in the brainrot.

We’ve been eating up every scrap of Oshamir content we can find. Considering there are only 8 episodes in Season 1 of The Acolyte and a mere handful of Oshamir moments to go off of, we’re gnawing at the bars of our enclosure waiting for more. Not to say the internet hasn’t provided. Fan artists and content creators have already brought us amazing Oshamir content, from fics to drawings to stickers and pins!

We wanted to join in the hype, because we love all things Oshamir, and we really want to help make Season 2 happen. And since we are The Honey POP and music is one of the things we do best, we’ve brought you Oshamir: The Playlist. Oshamir/plot points in their story on The Acolyte inspired some of the songs on this playlist, either loosely or directly. You can find the full playlist at the bottom of this article but we wanted to highlight some of our favorites!

‘The Less I Know The Better’ — Tame Impala

Avid Oshamir fans probably aren’t shocked to see this one on our list. Manny Jacinto, Qimir himself, mentioned in an interview that ‘The Less I Know The Better’ really fit Qimir and his physicality. Ever since this revelation, some fans have taken a deeper look at the lyrics and related it to Osha and Qimir’s relationship:

“Oh, my love, can’t you see yourself by my side?
No surprise when you’re on his shoulder like every night
Oh, my love, can’t you see that you’re on my mind?
Don’t suppose you could convince your lover to change his mind?”

Oh my love, can’t you see yourself by my side” fits Qimir and Osha perfectly given that he wants an acolyte, and asks if she’d ever consider being trained in episode 8. Not only that, but episode 8’s final shot of Oshamir holding hands and looking out into the sunset brings this question to a full circle since Osha has joined him.

‘weapon’ — Against The Current

This song feels like it captures Osha’s inner emotional struggles leading to her fall to the dark side perfectly.

And though I try and do it right with my intentions
Keepin’ good, they never break, but I still bend ’em
‘Cause this devil on my shoulder wants to pull me underneath (underneath)

Another sleepless night staring through the ceiling
Wondering how could I
Calm my head, yeah, calm my head, ’cause

I see red
My blood is boiling and it shows

In episode 6 Qimir pushes Osha emotionally, asking why she isn’t a Jedi. She answers by shoving him against the rock with his lightsaber, exclaiming that it’s because she failed. (Had us giggling and kicking our feet, mind you) Later, we find out that she was never quite able to keep her anger towards Mae and their past in check, causing her to leave the Jedi Order. These lyrics from ‘weapon’ remind us of that inner conflict and turmoil. She does her best but eventually succumbs to the devil on her shoulder when she gives in to the dark side and kills Sol.

We also don’t mind calling Qimir the devil on her shoulder. 🙂 But unlike in the song where Chrissy Costanza sings “you shoot em down till you end up alone,” Osha ends up with Qimir, thus making it a perfect Oshamir track.

‘Power of Two’ — Victoria Monet

‘Power of Two’ is on the official The Acolyte soundtrack so OF COURSE it’s perfect to include on this playlist. While the song alludes more directly to Osha’s relationship with her sister Mae, the concept of the “power of two” comes up throughout the show. Qimir tells her point blank that he wants the “power of two” and fans ran with that statement. After that finale one could argue that the power of two works for Osha and Qimir, master and acolyte, and perhaps maybe more 👀

Aside from the thematic/symbolic meaning, we just really love this song. Victoria Monet is a powerhouse and we’ve had this stuck in our heads ever since we heard it during the end credits of episode 7.

‘Teeth’ — 5 Seconds of Summer

This one is really because of The Stranger’s helmet if we’re being honest. Darth Teeth over here with the creepy toothy smile on his helmet fits ‘Teeth’ to a capital T.

“Fight so dirty but your love’s so sweet
Talk so pretty but your heart got teeth
Late night devil, put your hands on me
And never, never, never ever let go”

We’ve only gotten a glimpse into Oshamir’s dynamic so far. The “lovers” part of enemies to lovers finally sparked in the last episode but a big part of this season was spent with them as enemies. We imagine that as their training commences we might still get some “enemies” tension that leads to more. These lyrics feel like they sum up Oshamir’s current dynamic quite well and we can’t wait to see where it leads. (Yes, that is us manifesting season 2 again.)

‘The Great War’ — Taylor Swift

We have seen so many Oshamir edits set to ‘The Great War’ and honestly? It’s kind of perfect. And that’s us being tame about our reactions tbh, it’s mostly a lot of squealing and giggling to ourselves. These lyrics, in our humble opinion, can directly represent Qimir and Osha’s relationship:

It turned into something bigger
Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I’d been betrayed

This obviously references Master Sol’s betrayal and lies to Osha about what really happened on Brendok, ultimately leading to his death by her hand.

All that bloodshed, crimson clover
Uh-huh, sweet dream was over
My hand was the one you reached for
All throughout the Great War

In the end of that bloody betrayal and all the fighting, we get that wonderful, amazing, beautiful, everything-we-could’ve-hoped-for shot of Oshamir standing back on the unnamed planet Qimir (now both of them?) calls home. As Osha faces the sunset, standing by the water, Qimir comes over and grabs her hand, both of them clutching Osha’s now bled lightsaber. (Side note: we got to see a kyber crystal bled in a live action Star Wars show and we’re still not over it.) Her hand was the one he reaches for and the fighting isn’t done.

‘7 Minutes In Hell’ — Chrissy Costanza

This song is E V E R Y T H I N G when it comes to describing Oshamir. It definitely leans into the sexier, sensual, romantic, and seduction-heavy side of Osha and Qimir’s relationship.

Oh my god
Do angels ever fall this hard?
The devil’s dancing in the dark
I kinda like it in his arms

Just look at those lyrics! The symbolism of Osha’s fall to the dark side and into Qimir’s arms (@ Leslye Headland, please) is portrayed perfectly here. Fun fact: This is Chrissy Constanza’s first release as a solo artist and we are simply obsessed. Against The Current is still alive and well but we love seeing the direction she’s going in with her solo project and we can’t wait to hear more. Perhaps she’ll give us more Oshamir-coded music in the future!

Close your eyes
I’m gonna be your favorite vice
Forbidden fruit of paradise
You wanna take a little bite?

Qimir is Osha’s favorite vice, the forbidden fruit. Now that they’re acolyte and master we can only imagine where things are going to go given his propensity to be physically near her or touching her at all times. Even the music video for ‘7 Minutes In Hell’ fits the theme we have going on here. Chrissy starts out as an angel before the feathers on her wings turn black. It’s just such a poignant visualization that mirrors Osha’s fall to the dark side and relationship with Qimir and we can’t get enough.

Like we said, this is just a small sample of our Oshamir playlist so you should definitely check that out:

Let us know your thoughts on the playlist and Oshamir! What are you hoping The Acolyte Season 2 brings us? What songs do you think sum up Oshamir? Drop a comment below or come buzz with us on FacebookInstagram, or Twitter!

We have a ton of other playlists you can check out, you might find something you love!



Aman Shamim

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