OSBI makes multiple arrest in marijuana grow robberies – Medical Marijuana Program Connection
OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) — A murder and several robberies at marijuana grows in Okfuskee County and Stephens County has now resulted in the arrest of 10 people.
However, state agents say they are not stopping with just the 10, they are still looking for more people involved.
“It was on March 7th when we were able to come together and identify multiple suspects who were involved in each of these crimes,” Hunter McKee, PIO for OSBI said.
Multiple robberies and assaults at marijuana grows have created a months long investigation. 10 people have been arrested so far.
“We’re still looking for suspects,” McKee said.
The OSBI is working with Okfuskee County, Stephens County and the US Marshal’s saying they believe the same group of people are involved.
“Each of our robberies had slightly different modes, but they were all very violent, very sudden, and were out of our county very quickly,” Rick Lang, Undersheriff for Stephens County said.
“We’ve had a few robberies in the past at grows, but not to the extent that they accelerated to a homicide,” Roy Wilbourn, Sheriff for Okfuskee County said. “Again, this was a brutal and in my words, a tactical entry to this road.”
The marijuana grows that were robbed are in rural areas. Both sheriff’s believe it was a well planned out attack.
assaultmarijuanamurderokfuskee countyOklahoma newsosbiRobberiesStephens CountyUS Marshals
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