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Operation Chistmas Child – Beverly Hills Montessori Christian Early Learning Centre


Operation Christmas Child

Thank you to our very generous families for their involvement in this fabulous annual project, that is Operation Christmas Child!

Every year we receive many shoe boxes which our families fill with gifts and donations to send to developing countries, to reach out to children who would otherwise not celebrate Christmas. By providing gift filled shoeboxes, we bring to them the love and generosity of Jesus Christ, and the Good News of Jesus’ birthday.

One year, one of our staff was in Africa when the shoe boxes were distributed to the children. The looks on their faces, the joy and gratefulness that was expressed by the children and families alike brought tears to her eyes and many others who were there to help.

Thanks to you, our wonderful families, 50 children will receive a special gift for Christmas!

Thank you!


Beverly Hills Montessori Day Care

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