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Only Five Brave Republican House Members Are Needed To Vote In A Democratic Speaker


Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Disgusted with the neo-Nazi Republican party? All it takes is five Republican House members to vote for a Democratic Speaker of the House.

Did you know that? Kevin McCarthy is giving away pots and pans and sets of dishes making all kinds of deals, promising to mow lawns, sleep with the devil, carry out paper routes, shine shoes, anything to become the next Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives.

He could lose all of his efforts if five, that’s just 5, as in one, two, three, four, five, fearless Republican House members were to jump ship, switch sides, and vote with the Democrats and elect Nancy again.

Yes, Nancy resigned, but you get the picture.

Democrats are five short of a majority, but if five Republicans voted with the Democrats, the Democrats would have their majority.

And there go all of Kevin McCarthy’s dreams of being Speaker of the House. Like big P-u.

Could it happen? Yep! Will it happen? All it takes is five very, super brave Republicans who do not support the Trumpification of the Republican party and making America a racist, anti-Semitic nation.

Kevin McCarthy isn’t so sure. He’s making deals with Micky Mouse, Cruella de Vil, Wile E. Coyote, Norman Bates, the Road Runner, Hannibal Lecter, and Olive Oil, picking up one conservative vote only if he’ll go after Joe Biden’s son. Forget climate change, immigration, healthcare, and the economy.

Many Republican House Members view their party as already going down the toilet bowl of history because of the Donald Trump flush.

“Any Republican who jumps their party will be committing political suicide.”

It only takes five Republican patriots.

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