Former Tennessee state Representative Justin Jones spent Easter comparing the expulsion of him and his colleague from the legislature to being crucified.

Jones and Rep. Justin Pearson, a fellow former Democrat lawmaker, were ousted last week from the Republican-led Tennessee House after taking part in gun control protests, taking control of official proceedings.

The protests, which some have defined as an ‘insurrection,’ involved participants pushing through law enforcement and interrupting a legislative session.

Jones was seen on video holding a megaphone during one such session, interrupting the democratic process, and instigating protestors into chanting and yelling at lawmakers.

RELATED: Three Tennessee Democrats Stripped of Committee Assignments for Storming State Capitol, Face Potential Expulsion

Tennessee Democrat Justin Jones Compares Expulsion to Being Crucified

Democracy-assaulter Justin Jones has spent his time since being expelled from the legislature playing the victim, suggesting his punishment was the result of racism.

The media has joined in, essentially approving of Democrat insurrections and assaults on democracy while portraying the event as part of their “everything is racist” narrative.

On Easter Sunday, Jones tried playing the ultimate victim.

“Tennessee Republicans’ attempt to crucify democracy has resurrected it in the form of (a) mass movement led by young people,” Jones tweeted. “That’s what gives me hope.”

Ya see, folks, being penalized for breaking the rules of the legislature is just like Jesus Christ dying on the cross to forgive the sins of all mankind.

While fact-checkers will no doubt point out Jones’ comments are not a literal comparison to the crucifixion, the analogy remains and was a blatant attempt to cast himself as a victim in the same vein as Jesus.

Tennessee’s Justin Jones wasn’t the first to make the comparison. A podcast host for a show called ‘Pardon the Insurrection’ made the same analogy in a tweet earlier in the week.

“Justin Jones was expelled from the TN legislature today but my city council is going to vote to have him reinstated on Monday,” @BlackKnight10K wrote.

“Crucified on Thursday. Back at it on Monday. Only Jesus has this guy beat.”

Democrats are a party overrun by Godless piles of trash masquerading as great orators or thinkers.

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Says a ‘Third Reconstruction’ is Underway

It’s also not the first time that Tennessee Democrat Justin Jones used a dopey hyperbolic analogy to explain his current situation.

Jones took his sideshow of ignorance to just the right man, Al Sharpton, where he declared his expulsion from the legislature was akin to slavery and the Reconstruction era.

“We’re in the midst of a third Reconstruction here in Tennessee that hopefully will have national implications,” he said. “But what it means is that this White supremacist system … is an attempt to divide and conquer us.”

He’s like AOC, only smarter.

Jones, as many who claim to see racism everywhere they look often do, has his own controversial history.

The disgraced former state lawmaker once called Tennessee State Rep. Sabi “Doc” Kumar, an Indian American and Republican, the “brown face of white supremacy.”

The Tennessee legislature opened themselves up to the racial criticism coming from Jones and his Democratic colleagues, failing to expel State Rep. Gloria Johnson who took part in the protests as well.

She, like Jones and Pearson, was stripped of her committee assignments, but Johnson managed to escape being ousted from the legislature by one vote.

It should have been an easy call to remove her as well.

Nashville’s metro council has called a special meeting on Monday, where they will essentially vote to reinstate Jones to his seat for the time being. Another vote regarding Pearson is slated to be held Wednesday.

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