Just over 10 years since Colorado and Washington became the first states to legalize recreational marijuana, nearly two-fifths of the nation have persisted in the trend of allowing anyone over the age of 21 to purchase the substance without a medical necessity.

But on Tuesday night, constituents in Oklahoma pulled the plug on a statewide effort to legalize recreational cannabis, meaning residents will still be required to have a medical license in order to enter dispensaries in the state, which is now home to more retail cannabis stores than Colorado, Oregon, and Washington combined.

Detractors of State Question 820 made children’s health one of its key issues while some law enforcement worried a “yes” vote would complicate efforts to crack down on illegal growing operations throughout the state’s rural counties.


Cutting cannabis buds. medical marijuana concept background


“Regardless of where one stands on the question of marijuana legalization, the stark reality is that…

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