Cleveland, Ohio Local News
Ohio City Car Crash Shuts Down Jaja and Pioneer ‘Until Further Notice’
Mark Oprea
Construction workers had already started repairing the entrance to Jaja Thursday afternoon. Both Jaja and Pioneer will be closed, statements read, “until further notice.”
Two of Ohio City’s newest restaurants will be closed until “further notice” as they undergo repairs following a fiery car crash Thursday morning.
Around 3 a.m. on October 31, a black Audi speeding west on Abbey Road lost control, hit a fire hydrant and slammed straight into the main entrance of Jajaon the eastern side of the INTRO building. Part of an entrance to its sister restaurant, Pioneer, was destroyed as well.
Cleveland Police said that a 24-year-old man was hospitalized in “serious condition” on Thursday. They’ve not released whether or not the driver was drunk or impaired as the Audi slammed into the building.
No one was hurt besides the driver, Cassandra Luz, property manager at INTRO, told Scene on Thursday.
“We were very lucky that there was nobody else involved,” she told Scene from her office. “I mean, it was very tragic that that had even happened to begin with.”
Shortly after the Audi crashed, INTRO’s concierge alerted tenants via the building’s app notification system. Fire and smoke from the car set off several alarms. Some residents on the opposite side of the building were skeptical, however, minding recent car-related incidents in Ohio City.
“I’d like some evidence that something actually happened,” one resident said on the app’s message board. “I’m started to get desensitized to these two to three a.m. fire alarms and people doing donuts outside.”
“Yes, there was a car that ran into the building,” another responded, “and I believe it was on fire.”
Mark Oprea
A 24-year-old speeding in a black Audi slammed into Jaja’s entrance around three a.m. Thursday morning. CPD said they’re investigating possible criminal implications.
One resident, who wished not to be named, recalled being woken up to fire alarms and messages from nearby friends. “It’s good no one was hurt,” he told Scene in INTRO’s lobby.
Both Jaja and Pioneer announced on Instagram that their restaurants will be closed “until further notice.” Both suggested supporting Edda Coffee nearby to make up for lost revenue in the coming weeks.
“Please know we are working hard to reopen our doors as quickly as possible,” a statement on Pioneer’s page read, “and can’t wait to welcome you back soon.”
Scene reached out to Cleveland Police for further information, yet did not receive a call back Thursday afternoon.
In an interview with WKYC, Sgt. Freddy Diaz said they will be looking into the cause as more details are available.
“We’re gonna investigate it,” he said. “Whatever the factors are, [whatever] the investigation reveals, and we can handle it from there.”
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Mark Oprea
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