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NYC Classrooms struggle with marijuana and high students – Medical Marijuana Program Connection


The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reported that about 35.7% of 12th graders in the U.S. had used marijuana in the past year, and 11.8% reported daily use. As for coming to school under the influence, specific statistics can be hard to come by, but there is concern that the increasing social acceptance of marijuana may lead to higher rates of use among teenagers.

But teens exploring and experimenting with marijuana is not a novel occurrence. For decades, adolescents have been known to test boundaries and societal norms, often leading to instances of drug use, including marijuana. However, the landscape around the legality and availability of marijuana has transformed dramatically in recent years, leading to new challenges and concerns.

One small Manhattan high school said students caught getting high during the school day to attend peer-led restorative circles. Another is mandating three sessions with a staffer who has a background in substance abuse counseling. Officials at Manhattan’s highly selective Beacon High School told parents this fall that students caught vaping in school will be suspended, while offering information sessions for parents about substance use

In many parts of the world, particularly in the United States, the decriminalization and legalization of marijuana have led to the establishment of regulated markets for the drug. This shift has inadvertently made it easier for adolescents to gain access to cannabis products. The commercialization of…

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