Endometriosis is a complex and challenging condition that affects countless women around the world. In Australia, 1 in 7 women live with endometriosis, many without even being aware, thinking painful periods and pelvic pain are “normal.”

While medical interventions play a crucial role in managing endometriosis, we must recognize the powerful influence that food choices can have on symptom severity.

Although there is no universal dietary pattern for the management of endometriosis, emerging studies show the intricate relationship between certain nutrients and symptom reduction, as well as improving overall well-being.

Here are three nutrients to get you started:

Anti-Inflammatory Foods:

Given that endometriosis demonstrates a state of chronic inflammation, anti-inflammatory foods can reduce the severity of pain symptoms. Having a diet rich in wholesome foods, including wholegrain carbohydrates, lean proteins, colorful vegetables, and fruit, will provide anti-inflammatory nutrients. On the other hand, minimizing pro-inflammatory nutrients such as saturated fats, alcohol, and simple sugars can help alleviate symptoms.


Fibre can help remove excess estrogen from the body, which can reduce inflammation, support a healthy gut microbiota, maintain bowel regularity, and decrease endometriosis growth. Aiming for as many plant-based fibre-rich foods in your diet as possible will support your endometriosis management. Try simple habits like adding 2 cups of salad vegetables to all lunch and dinner meals.


Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to have a protective effect in managing endometriosis symptoms, particularly pelvic pain. Our bodies can’t produce omega-3 acids, so it is crucial to consume them through diet or supplemental form. Omega-3s decrease prostaglandins, which elevate abdominal fluid and contribute to the mechanism of pain in endometriosis. Are you eating salmon, sardines, chia seeds, or walnuts for the omega-3 benefits?

If you, or someone you know, is suffering from endometriosis, reach out and seek support from a dietitian. It could be beneficial to help reduce and manage symptoms.

Tatiana Bedikian

Tatiana Bedikian

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