Both the NuFace Trinity+ and ZIIP HALO are high-quality, effective microcurrent devices. I genuinely mean this when I say you cannot go wrong with either one. 

The ZIIP HALO is a bit stronger, with the upper threshold of power being about 400 microamps. In addition, the HALO also uses nanocurrents alongside the microcurrent technology. Nanocurrents are even smaller electrical currents than microcurrents. Microcurrents primarily target the muscle, whereas nanocurrents work more effectively at the cellular level, stimulating ATP, collagen, and elastin production. This can help drive more long-term skin care-focused results, rather than just improving facial muscles and overall toning. 

I’ve used ZIIP consistently for a while now (I don’t follow a program, but do try to do it 1-2 times a week), and I count it as one of the reasons my face remains lifted and defined as I get older. I’ve been using it proactively and preventatively, so there was nothing to “reverse,” but considering I often get mistaken for ages years younger than I am, I do think it’s helping. 

The Trinity+, being the most advanced version from the brand, carries just about the same amount of power with 340 microamps at its highest setting. It has three power modes, as well as a booster button, which increases the power 25% on areas where you might need it more. 

As Schneider wrote about it, “After just two weeks of consistent use, I definitely notice a more lifted, contoured appearance. See, I’m someone who typically wakes up with super puffy eyes and a swollen jawline—both woes went away immediately after a couple rounds of microcurrent. Better yet, I was waking up less puffy to begin with, I suspect as my facial muscles started toning up. My partner also commented on how my cheeks looked more chiseled, and I promise it was unprovoked.”

You’ll also likely get more skin care benefits if you opt to include the LED attachment, as that works on the epidermis. With it, you can also expect to see a more even tone, reduced inflammation, and a brighter complexion—things that you won’t see with microcurrent devices otherwise. 

Alexandra Engler

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