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Not Every Stand-Up Comic is a Dick – Marilyn Sands, Humor Times


Not every stand-up comic is a ‘Dick’, but empathy for our own is hard! C’mon Andy – there’s never too many Smiths in Comedy!

When we in Comedy read that Stand-up Comic/Actor Andy Dick was in trouble with the law again – as usual, we just cringe & look the other way.

But most of all, we’re wondering why he never changed his name! Or maybe he already did & it was ‘Assman’!

Willie Shakespeare was wrong – ‘A rose by any other name wouldn’t smell so sweet’!

We, from my generation remember our most sophomoric laughable name was – I. Seymour Butts! 

That would take us right thru Junior High & make us forget why we had to take Algebra & climb ropes! 

I always believed if someone had the last name ‘Fuchs’ – they should immediately change their name or they’d have a really hard time in life. 

It’s pronounced Fuu-kes – but nobody seems to take the time to stop themselves & says, ‘How you doin’ today Mrs. Fucks?’

While doing research for this article I found that there are many Richard Dick’s & even 1 woman with the name Ima Dick that I heard has to get a special locker in the YWCA!

And, I looked up all the Dick’s in the U.S. too! 

No, I do not have Penis Envy & I can prove it! 

Not right now because I’m having a ‘Rejuvenation’ – but maybe after! haha 

Oh Gals – before I forget, get ‘The Ru paul’!

stand-up comic

But, how could someone walk around with the name of Dick? And, what kind of parents would give their little Richard that surname?

Personally, if I had that name I wouldn’t go into Comedy or Politics!

Not because of all the taunting & Towel Swatting – but because we already have enough of them in Washington!

Then again – just being introduced onto the stage – you get your 1st Laugh & it’s a Freebie. 

Your 2nd Laugh is up to you!

I suggest something that won’t cause a heckler to shout out, ‘What a dick’! 

When it happened to me – I just said, ‘Sit down, Mom’!

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