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Northern California law enforcement seeks to put an end to sideshows


(FOX40.COM) — Sideshows are a growing concern in California and local law enforcement agencies are attempting to put an end to them.

Sideshows originated around the 1980s as events where people did car stunts in vacant lots and roadways in front of several spectators. The social gatherings were once considered entertainment but have since escalated to dangerous and sometimes deadly occurrences.

Within recent years, property damage, injuries, and deaths have been reported which has gained the attention of law enforcement.

Several government, police, and sheriff’s agencies in California have sought ways to put an end to them. Some Sacramento City Council members proposed new legislation to maximize fines and penalties for sideshows -such as impounding vehicles for a minimum of 30 days.

In early 2024, the San Joaquin County Sheriff’s office took sideshow penalties even further by executing a mass towing of nearly 90 vehicles accused of participating in them, and not releasing them until each case was heard by a judge in court.


Veronica Catlin

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