Normalisation Committee dumps ZIFA offices; sets base in CBD office – Medical Marijuana Program Connection
By Staff Reporter
The recently appointed Zimbabwe Football Association (ZIFA) Normalisation Committee (NC) has got its tenure off the wrong foot, barely a month into office.
The Committee was appointed last month by FIFA, tasked to temporarily run football affairs in Zimbabwe after the country’s readmission from the FIFA family.
Zimbabwe was in the football wilderness after they were banned by FIFA owing to third-party interference emanating from the government’s suspension of the ZIFA board.
The Lincoln Mutasa-led team composed of Sikhumbuzo Ndebele, Rosemary Mugadza and Nyasha Sanyamandwe, is taking ‘dire decisions’ in its effort to normalise the country’s football situation after a turbulent period.
Since its appointment in mid-July, the committee has snubbed ZIFA offices, working from an isolated place in the central business district while the ZIFA secretariat is still based at the association’s offices at 53 Livingstone Avenue in Harare without water, wifi & operational funds.
According to information gleaned by the committee has moved into offices located in Harare’s CBD.
Furthermore, the offices are gobbling up exorbitant rental fees a month. The premise is reportedly owned by businessman Shingi Mutasa, believed to be Mutasa’s relative.
The Normalisation Committee was tasked to oversee the running of football in the country until next year when substantive elections are expected to be held.
Information gathered by…
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