Ron Snogger got a shock when he opened an envelope from the County Court yesterday morning.

Ron, 30, has been married to Ethel Snogger for the past 7 years, even though Ethel is nearly three times his age. Adopted at birth, Ron thought that he’d never meet anyone who would be remotely attracted to him, as he’s very needy, and has terminal trust issues. Living in rural Norfolk hasn’t helped his chances either.

However, 8 years ago Ron joined a website that connected people. His impression was that it was something like Tinder, and through that he met Ethel.

“We hit it off immediately,” Ron told us, “and before the month was out we were Mr. and Mrs. Snogger.”

“Yesterday’s letter was like a bombshell,” Ethel interjected. “It turns out I’m actually his Mum. No wonder we look alike.”

The problem was that the website wasn’t for dating at all. It was an offshoot of, but called

Despite the legal issues now arising from their ‘marriage’, Ethel still found time to laugh.

“It’s no wonder that Ron’s nickname for me is ‘Pumpkin'”, she chuckled.

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