Nine years ago…(a reflection) –
Happy June! Midwesterners, we made it to SUMMER! Let the festivities commence.
This morning, Facebook reminded me that nine years ago I completed my first half marathon with my husband and my brother.
Immediately I thought, wowza, so much has changed in nine years, which leads me to this reflection….
Nine years ago:
- Dana and I were one year into our marriage.
- Settled into our first sweet home.
- Mom and dad to our pup, Moose.
- I was settled into my job as a registered dietitian in public health.
- My ulcerative colitis was in a flare and I wasn’t able to get it under control.
- Dana and I spent hours training for the half marathon.
- No children.
- I cried half way through the half-marathon because I didn’t think I was going to be able to do it.
- Dana and I will be celebrating our ten year anniversary this October!
- We are settling into our THIRD home together.
- Our Moose pup passed away to pup heaven, but we now have our sweet Jasmine who we believe is a mix of husky and German Shepherd we believe.
- I am working part-time from home (for now) as a dietitian in public health.
- I am building a business that can improve the lives and health of others.
- I am managing my gut health through diet–eating plant-based, mostly whole foods, limiting processed foods, sugars, alcohol, gluten and dairy. Taking extra plant capsules daily. Managing my stress. Exercising with joyful movements. Staying hydrated. Prioritizing my health.
- I still like to run but it’s not for speed or time, and it’s while pushing two little ones in a stroller with my other kids biking along side of me!
- I have four incredible, healthy, strong, beautiful babies: 6.5 year old Bode, 4.5 yo Ben, 2.5 yo Blake, and 10 month old Ava! Four unmedicated, natural births which taught me about how strong not only my body is, but how strong my mind is.
- I completed a second half marathon which felt completely different than the first. My body felt strong, and I had so much gratitude towards my body and it’s capabilities.
- I am more confident as a woman, mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, health advocate, and human in general.
It is so wild to reflect on how much has changed, and how much I have changed over the last nine years. I am the healthiest I have ever been. I am the happiest I have ever been. I count my blessings daily.
I am confident that I am on the road to finding my true passion in helping others reach their optimal health and to be confident in themselves too.
Thanks for continuing to follow with me as we journey through this life together!
Beautifully Nutty
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