Dating & Love
Newly ask these 7 questions from your mother-in-law – Morning Lazziness
Marriage is the most beautiful and important phase in a woman’s life. However, it comes with a lot of responsibilities and relationships. Apart from getting a life partner, a woman gets hundreds of other important relationships that she has to manage single-handedly.
Many new relationships suddenly pop up, making things difficult for a newly married woman to manage and adjust. But one of the most important relationships apart from that of a wife is being a daughter-in-law.
It is easier for a woman to get along with her father-in-law, but things are different with a mother-in-law. It is said that a son is always more close to her mother, and thus after marriage, it is difficult for a mother to let go of her son. It is difficult for a mother to accept that now there’s another woman in her son’s life whom he will love and give attention to. Thus things often go wrong between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law.
But that doesn’t mean that this relationship has to be strained; it can be mended and handled carefully. If you are a newly married girl or will be a bride soon, here are a few questions you should never ask your mother-in-law to save yourself from awkward moments.
Let’s dive in.
“Did he learn that from you?”
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Whenever your husband portrays bad behavior or does something that you think is ethically wrong, you might wonder where he learned from, and that can take you to the parenting process he was exposed to. But never ask such questions from your mother-in-law as this can be offensive, and no mother would appreciate that someone questions her parenting.
“Where did you buy this?”
Whenever your mother-in-law gets something for you or your husband that you might not like, it’s better to accept it instead of questioning her choice. Further, you can decide whether you want to use it or not. Always remember everyone has their own choice and preference and your mother-in-law is an individual herself.
Also Read: How to Manage Money as a Newly Married Couple
“Did I ask you for your opinion?”
Whenever your mother-in-law suggests something or gives an opinion about anything you might not appreciate, don’t take it to heart and rebel. It’s better to avoid it and make your own decision. You should understand that being two different individuals; you can have different opinions. Your question might make her feel disrespected.
“You don’t believe in that, do you?!”
When discussing politics, religion, or any other topic, respect your mother-in-law’s belief, whether you believe in it. Asking her such questions might be offensive, and she may feel hurt.
“What were you thinking?!”
When your mother-in-law does something you disagree with, like giving your child a certain food, asking her why she did this might hurt her feelings.
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“Why didn’t you raise your son to be independent?”
If your husband doesn’t help you with household chores or creates a mess often in the house, never question your mother-in-law why her son is like that or why she didn’t teach her these things. She would not appreciate you questioning her parenting.
“Will you watch the kids?”
Don’t expect your mother-in-law to babysit your kids when you become a parent. It’s your children and solely your responsibility.
Wrap up!
The bottom line is that it’s challenging to build a healthy relationship with your mother-in-law, but if you keep a few things in mind, you can expect a better harmonious relationship.
Anukriti Srivastava
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