Self Help
New Year’s Resolutions Shouldn’t Be About Me – Milsy Girl
Christmas time is magical and I naturally find myself focusing on the needs of other people. I challenge myself to buy imaginative gifts that will make them smile. The importance of selecting a delectable feast that stimulates everyone’s palate is at the forefront of my seasonal plans and I endeavour to create a welcoming Christmas table that is ablaze with reds and golds. I strive to offer a memorable holiday for my family and friends as we all enjoy the comfort of each others company.
But when the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve the magic dwindles. The music falls silent. My sparkling dress fades to rags. The ornate carriage becomes a plump pumpkin again. The gallant horses shrink to small grey mice and my mind returns back to thinking about me.
My New Year’s resolutions overwhelm my brain and I am consumed with selfishness and self pity.
What do I need help with?
How can I improve me?
What will this year hold for me?
But is this right? Are New Year’s resolutions all about consuming less wine, gobbling less chocolate, hastily joining the new gym around the corner to eliminate my ever increasing middle age muffin top?
The over powering voice in my head screams “NO!”
New Year’s resolutions shouldn’t be about me. They should be about you.
You my incredible daughters, who are growing so rapidly in a world that is crazy and complicated. I should be focusing on you and what you need. I resolve to be a better listener with more empathy and greater understanding. I shall not be distracted by my mobile phone when you’re talking to me and I will hear every word you are saying. I promise to make time to talk through your worries with you and respect your opinions. I’ll endeavour to consider your feelings with every decision I make and I will appreciate every moment I spend with you.
You my neighbour, the lady who’s lived by herself since her husband died two years ago. I promise to visit you more regularly to make sure you are doing well. I will take every opportunity to welcome you in to my home for meals and invite you to join family celebrations. I shall smile with warmth as I pass you on the road and give you a cheery hello irrespective of how I am feeling.
You the solitary colleague, who sits in the corner of the office by yourself. I sense a feeling of loneliness in you. As I brew my coffee each morning I shall offer to make one for you too. At lunch time I shall ensure you are invited to sit with my other work colleagues and I. Having the opportunity to get to know you would be an honour and I offer a hand of friendship if you wish to take it.
You the homeless person I pass on my way to work each morning. My heart breaks when I see you sleeping with cardboard as sheets on a bitterly cold winter day. The small insignificant coins in my purse buy me a Gin and Tonic on a Friday night but for you it’s your daily sustenance. It’s your one and only meal to keep you feeling slightly less hungry until the next small donation drops from a kind passer by. I resolve to give you what change I have in my purse and to help provide what little comfort I can for you.
For you the world, the beautiful planet I live on. I want you to be a smiling world. This year and every year from now on I promise to take you into consideration with every action I make. You are presenting us with undeniable signs that you are creaking under the ever increasing weight of the human race. The devastating floods and the extreme weather, aquatic life dying from plastic particles in your oceans, beautiful bees and wildlife tragically disappearing and vast forests being destroyed by fire.
We cannot deny it is happening and although I am just one individual I will strive to do everything in my power to help you world. I resolve to recycle any plastics, use water sparingly, cherish plants and trees and create a haven for insects in my own back garden. I promise to take a quiet moment each day to stop and look up. To appreciate the beauty, the sounds and the smells of the magical world around me. You support me and I will do the same for you.
This year my New Year’s resolutions will not be about me. They will be about you.
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