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New Miami Project Brings Art Into Fashion


This brand reaches out to artists engaging in the digital economy, while providing the cultural consumer with fashionable items from art.

Press Release

updated: Aug 27, 2017

For the cultural type, meaning those who enjoy the arts, culture and traveling both to global, cosmopolitan centers and to exotic locations, there’s a new project in Miami that brings together cultural insight, artistic talent, digital communities and style, holMedia reports. The project is called A Taste of Life Gallery, alluding to people with a special taste about life — or as Laura Khoudari, CEO, tells it, “Those who delight themselves in culture.”

The shop is referred to as a ​gallery​ since it is a selection of items designed with elements from actual works of art by international artists — from neon sculptors and pluritechnique painters to ​multimedia artists ​and writers with expositions and work presented in major urban centers. The gallery​ also features ripe, exploding talents who are assisted by the brand and its online community to reach their full digital potential.

Each item has a story and every artist leaves a piece of his and her soul in their creations. It’s the right project at the right time, when you should invest in a manner that is more personal.

Christian Schrader, Art Director M-Labs

The profit of every sale is shared between the brand and the artists, endowing this startup with great potential to impact the global community of artists and cultural project managers.

The company is run by Laura Khoudari, a third generation textile heiress, who sought out a way to bring her family’s seven decade weaving and knitting factory to the new digital era. With the help of her innovation team, led by anthropologists, they found amazing cultural capital both in cosmopolitan cities and in exotic locations.  

​In her words: “The brand is the answer to how to capitalize all that creative talent ​​while impacting the quality of life of the artists and taking unique fashion items to the global consumer who values cultural trends and style.”  

You can take a look at the Gallery here: A Taste of Life Gallery.

If you’re an artistic talent, or would like to endorse one you can check out their community-oriented website: Lifer’s Program.

As Reported by @InsightCulture by holMedia​​


Source: holMedia


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