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New Grift Alert: Donald Trump Jr. Is Out Here Selling ‘American’ Bibles | The Mary Sue
The Trump family has frequently shown themselves willing to do anything for money and publicity, but their most recent product is just more Peak Trump.
Don Jr., a Pinocchio trying to convince himself that one more lie will earn his father’s love, is apparently now selling “patriotic Bibles” for $70 each. (What, were seven silver pieces too on the nose?)
The Bible is branded with “a vertical reversed American flag design that represents a country in distress,” with “We the People” in large letters at the bottom and “Holy Bible” stuck in the left corner in a much smaller font. It uses the King James translation, which the website claims “is ideal for the patriots who believe it is time to give America back to God, and features copies of America’s founding documents.”

Funny because 1) you’re using a British translation of the Bible and 2) quite a few of those documents establish the separation of Church and State.
They’re also selling this Bible in “Patriot,” “Liberty,” and “Save America” bundles, which include items like a “Challenge Coin,” a bookmark, an American flag lapel pin, a T-shirt, and/or a hat with the same ugly black-on-gray logo as the Bible.
Seriously though, I can’t be the only one who feels like this resembles the “All-American Prophet” song from the Book of Mormon musical. “If you order now, we’ll even throw in a set of steak knives!”
In a video promoting this bible, Don Jr. claimed that, “Judeo-Christian values [are] under attack” and that it is time to “re-up our commitment to America and to the Christian values that this country was founded on.”
Look, I’m not going to say that this country wasn’t founded on Christian values; all the Founding Fathers were Christian and that frequently shows in the text (for better or for worse). But many of the founders also recognized the dangers of making America a Christian state, hence why they separated Church and State in the Constitution.
Thankfully, a large portion of the internet is calling Don Jr. out on his grift.
Republican Representative Adam Kinzinger, who has been a frequent critic of Trump, accused Don. Jr. of attempting to shift blame from the GOP to the Church for the state of the country:
Personally, I think there’s plenty of blame to go around, but he does have a point that it’s weird for Don Jr. to try and says this a scant two years after his dad was in charge of running the country. If Biden can really undo everything Trump did in that time, then maybe he’s more effective than I thought.
Others are pointing out the hypocrisy and the obvious scam of Don. Jr. selling Bibles.
Some commenters also pointed out that Trump is doing this now that he’s at risk of losing the Evangelicals, a group that was previously one of his biggest donors. This reads like a desperate attempt to draw that base back in and squeeze them for all the money they can.
Mike Evans, an Evangelical leader who helped Trump get elected the first time, said in a Washington Post essay that Evangelicals had to “close our mouths and eyes when he said things that horrified us. I cannot do that anymore.”
It’s hard to say at this point whether this newfound religious fervor will redeem Trump in their eyes, but I’m not holding out hope for Evangelicals to stand their ground.
(featured image: screenshot, wethepeoplebible.com)
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