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Natural bodybuilding competition comes to Wilmington


WILMINGTON, N.C. —  Andrea Cannistraci is a single mother to Giovanna. Every day after school, Andrea motivates Giovanna on her spelling words, and in return, Giovanna motivates her mom in sports. 

What You Need To Know

  • The Organization of Competition Bodies is a natural bodybuilding organization that promotes drug-free competition
  • The OCB’s Gains and Glory Natural Bodybuilding Competition is today in downtown Wilmington
  • Andrea Cannistraci, a bodybuilder, has been promoting the competition 

“So my daughter has been my biggest cheerleader since day one,” Cannistraci said. “She was about to turn 3 when I first stepped on stage, and she’s been at every show since then. And when I earned my pro card last April, it was actually her birthday weekend.”

Right before Giovanna turned 3, Cannistraci began bodybuilding. 

“I had my daughter when I was almost 41 years old and losing the baby weight,” she said. “When you’re in your 40s, it’s really hard… it was supposed to be a one and done to drop the baby weight.”

“I lost 20 pounds and 10% body fat, and I was addicted,” she said. “I trained for nearly five months to go on stage for two minutes, and I wanted to do it again.”

Cannistraci says when she started, she was competing against many athletes who used enhancers. 

“I was never one to take any enhancers or drugs, and I found myself on stage next to some very developed muscles of ladies, and it just wasn’t a level playing field for me,” she said. 

After moving from California to North Carolina, she found the all-natural committee of the Organization of Competition Bodies, which has its Gains and Glory Natural Bodybuilding Competition today in Wilmington. 

The OCB describes itself as a natural bodybuilding organization that aims to provide athletes with a safe, fair, drug-free and family-friendly platform. Participants in competitions must be drug-free and pass polygraph and urine screenings.

Cannistraci is part of the local bodybuilding community promoting the event, which opens at 10 a.m. at the North Front Theatre downtown. 

Cannistraci says her biggest motivation in bodybuilding is health and setting an example for her daughter. 

“I like to look good…. I live at the beach,” she said. “I have a daughter who’s 8 years old, and I want her to understand that it’s important to take care of your body and to eat healthy.” 


Alex Wilkinson

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