Craig Abel of Nashville, Tennessee, was seeking something to spice up his image, and he found it in the form of socks – specifically, colorful, interesting ones peppered with artistic images or even with images of red-hot chili peppers themselves.
“The sky’s the limit when it comes to socks, is what I’ve discovered,” said Abel. “The only limitations are the ones in your own mind.”
Abel acknowledged that he had previously judged as cheesy and pathetic people who wore things like ugly Christmas sweaters, offbeat baseball hats, or crazy neckties for their obliviousness to and/or ignorance of how foolish they looked and for not having any more worthwhile interests to engage their attention. “But then it hit me that I don’t have any real hobbies, either,” said Abel. “And even though I was never interested in being known as the guy who wears those crazy socks, it occurred to me, well, maybe that’s better than not being known at all.”
As he tells it, the hosiery move changed everything for him. “My socks present a ready-made conversation piece, simplify gift-giving for my friends and family, and make me come across as a fun, lighthearted guy who doesn’t take himself too seriously. I went from being an alpha male bursting with white privilege to an affable, approachable, regular dude. Who feels threatened by a guy with goofy socks? No one, in my experience. No one at all. In fact, everyone now feels superior to me, which is honestly quite freeing.”
The only difficulty posed by Abel’s newfound signature socks is the quandary he regularly faces in putting his best foot forward. “It’s tough to choose between my left foot and right, since they both just look so damn good.”
He chuckled. “Luxury problem, I know. I’m not complaining. Sock it to me, as they say. Sock it to me.”