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‘Napoleon Dynamite’ cast members host live 20th anniversary celebration in Orlando


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The stars of ‘Napoleon Dynamite’ come to Orlando next week

Indie cult-classic Napoleon Dynamite is celebrating 20 years of unforgettable dialogue and coming-of-age cringe this year, and Orlando’s getting a front-row seat next week.

To mark the milestone, some of the film’s original cast members are hosting “Napoleon Dynamite Live” events at venues around the country, including Orlando’s Plaza Live.

The event includes a screening of the film followed by a conversation with fan favorites Jon Heder (Napoleon), Jon Gries (Uncle Rico) and Efren Ramirez (Pedro) — who will all be in the house.

Fit for all ages, the show will be a mix of Q&A, improv comedy, game show-style activities and party vibes with lots of audience participation. (Lucky you!)

The live event happens at the Plaza Live on Wednesday, Feb. 21, at 6 p.m. Tickets start at $35.

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Chloe Greenberg

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