The devboard features the nRF52840 from Nordic Semiconductors, for the wireless comms, and is powered by a 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 CPU running at 64 MHz (1 MB Flash and 256 KB RAM). But what are the improvements in Rev 2?

Arduino highlights four new features. Firstly, it has a combination of two IMUs (Inertial Measurement Units) instead of a single, nine-axis one. These are the Bosch BMI270 six-axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope, and the three-axis Bosch BMM150 Magnetometer

Secondly, while retaining the same small form factor, the Rev2 incorporates new pads and test points for USB, SWDIO, and SWCLK – making it easier to access the points on the board.

Thirdly, Arduino has introduced a new VUSB soldering jumper on the top side, allowing you to enable the VUSB pin while using the castellated pins.

Lastly, the Nano 33 BLE Rev2 transitions the power supply component to the MPS MP2322 “to guarantee increased performance” says Arduino.

Also, the unit can be programmed with MicroPython, and the small, 3.3V-compatible board’s Bluetooth Low Energy module has an internal antenna that can be used to transmit data between different devices using the ArduinoBLE library.

Do note that board only supports 3.3V I/Os and not 5V.

Arduino writes:

“Designed with versatility in mind, the Nano 33 BLE Rev2 is equipped with a built-in 9-axis Inertial Measurement Unit. This IMU is a game-changer, offering precise measurements of position, direction, and acceleration. Whether you’re developing wearables or devices that demand real-time motion tracking, the onboard IMU ensures unparalleled accuracy and reliability.”

“In essence, the Nano 33 BLE Rev2 strikes the perfect balance between size and features, making it the ultimate choice for crafting wearable devices seamlessly connected to your smartphone. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a hobbyist embarking on a new adventure in connected technology, this development board opens up a world of possibilities for innovation and creativity. Elevate your projects with the power and flexibility of the Nano 33 BLE Rev2.”

The Nano 33 BLE Rev2 with headers costs €25.40, and without headers costs €22.80. You can read more information here.

See also: Smart Cricket Ball measures your bowling performance


Alun Williams

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