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NaaN stands for NaN Ain’t A Number. But other things most certainly are,
even though we don’t always think of them as numbers or represent them as decimals. MCMLXVI, for example.
Sometimes zero. Maybe even more so 5-i. This week we have some special
numbers for you, among other things.

Lonely dog-lover
Kevin M. was thrown from joy to despair in barely one second.
“Embark found some new relatives for my dog… or not.” It’s arguably
technically true that Embark found a number of new pup kin.


Peter S. uncovered an Error’d.
“If the internet speed is in roman numerals, then this fiber connection is not very good.”
I can only assume the ISP is carving the bits out of marble with hammer and chisel.



Windows shopper
Rudi A. ponders
“I’m trying to decide what the real WTF is – presumably
recurring to complex numbers to represent page numbers
(what else could the ellipsis mean?), or acknowledging
the existence of only 9 Dell products (second page had
only one entry).” My number theory is a little weak, but I
know that there are an infinite number of real
numbers between 1 and 2. However, if there are any numbers
between 2 and 2 they must be imaginary. Maybe a real
mathematician will correct me.



Time-travel tyro
Charles C.
shared a personal experience.
“I was expecting this parcel last Thursday. Canada Post seems to think they’re
still going to make it.” I wonder if we’ll ever know whether they will have done.



Finally, an anonymous submission having to do with neither times nor dates
turns up a glitch in the YouTube algorithm
“Some Youtube viewers suggested Tim from Hardware Unboxed should take a singing career as a side gig. I guess he listened.”



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Lyle Seaman

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