My Vision Board for 2024 Is Filled With '90s Runway Looks—9 I'll Copy First
If you took one look at my Pinterest board, you’d think I was living in 1994. Instead of ripping pages out of magazines and putting them in my scrapbook, I’m dragging and dropping images onto my desktop and creating iPhone backgrounds with bubble-letter font telling me to “follow my dreams.” Yeah, I’m that cheesy.
The rise of vision boards has truly crept up on us, and I feel like everyone I know has created a vision board of their own. While mine features images of travel, fitness, and health, I also have some style goals of my own. I want every outfit I wear to look like I just walked down a ’90s runway. Looking in the mirror, I ask myself, Would Gianni Versace approve of this? If you’re with me, the nine looks you should begin with are below.
Sierra Mayhew
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