Self Help
Mrunal’s Tale of Learning To Create Healthy Boundaries with Therapy – YourDOST Blog
Imagine a tree that once stood tall and strong, but over time, it started bending under the weight of the parasitic vines that grew around it. The vines, similar to the demands of life, began to choke its branches, and the tree struggled to stand upright. But with a little help, the vines were cut away, and the tree began to straighten, regain its strength, and flourish once more. This story mirrors the journey of someone who rediscovered balance and strength through a journey of dedication.
Meet Mrunal, our protagonist, who is a 27-year-old Project Assistant at Rajiv Gandhi University.
“I have a very warm and close-knit family that includes my grandparents, parents, and siblings. As the eldest sibling, I often feel responsible for my family, but their support has always been my strength.”
Mrunal heard about YourDOST from her university, which partnered with them for mental health support. Her counsellor, Ms. Shravya Devadhar, played a crucial role in helping Mrunal find balance in her life again.
“I loved my work, but when I joined a new lab, I lost my work-life balance. My team lead wanted me to work all the time, even on weekends. I was always at the lab, and it affected my relationships and my health.”
Initially, Mrunal liked being known as a hard worker, but the toxic environment soon took a toll on her mental and physical health. Her family, whom she spoke to daily, noticed changes in her. Mrunal became irritable and exhausted, and she was once patient and calm. It was her family’s concern that pushed her to seek help.
“I couldn’t say no to my team lead and she was never satisfied and often shouted at me in front of others. I even stopped going home on weekends and hardly met my friends. My life revolved around the lab.”
The constant pressure led Mrunal to reach out to YourDOST. She felt that talking to someone who wouldn’t judge her and someone who could provide an outsider’s perspective on her struggles would be best for her improvement.
“When the stress became unbearable, I turned to YourDOST. I wanted to share all my frustrations with a stranger who wouldn’t affect my life directly.”

Her unhealthy work environment began to influence her personal habits. She stopped her regular yoga sessions and jogs. Instead, she turned to order food online, seeking comfort in chocolates and spicy foods, which disrupted her sleep cycle.
“My counsellor, Ms. Shravya, suggested several techniques to help me regain control. She advised me to write down my problems and tear the paper afterwards, meditate, and practice yoga again.”
The most impactful advice, however, was learning to assert herself. Mrunal struggled with saying no, often taking on responsibilities that weren’t hers. Ms. Shravya conducted role-playing exercises, pretending to be a trainee which helped Mrunal immensely to practice delegating tasks assertively.
“She taught me that there is no such thing as an ideal person. Accepting that people can make mistakes and that I didn’t have to take on everything myself was a revelation. It made half of my problems disappear.”
Through consistent sessions and practical advice, Mrunal began to see positive changes. She started setting boundaries, saying no when necessary, and reclaiming her time for self-care and family. The support from YourDOST and her counsellor helped Mrunal restore balance in her life.
“Talking to Ms. Shravya and implementing her suggestions made a significant difference. I feel much better now, and I rate myself a 5 out of 5 in terms of feeling better.”
Mrunal’s story shows how important mental health support is and how it can bring positive changes.
We wish Mrunal the best in her future endeavours and are confident that she will continue to thrive in her life!
Mrunal’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Believe in yourself and stay engaged with new activities to drive away negative energies.”
2.“Learn something new, even if people don’t appreciate it. It’s your journey to happiness.”
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