Hello, my dear reader!

So, I’ve always been into keeping myself healthy and happy by hitting the gym,

munching on healthy food, and spending time with my peeps. 

But guess what? 

Recently, I realized that my financial health is just as crucial as my overall well-being!

It’s funny how I never thought about how my financial situation could affect my mental and emotional state until I started changing my money habits. 

I began to focus more on my financial situation and incorporate financial self-care into my routine. 

I noticed a vast improvement in my stress levels and overall happiness.

Everything just clicked into place – I finally understood that being financially secure meant doing the things I loved without worrying about money. 

Plus, making wise financial decisions and staying on top of my budget gave me a sense of control, and empowerment that spilled over into other areas of my life.

That’s why I wanna share my story and help y’all understand how taking care of your wallet can also take care of your soul. 

Whether setting up a savings plan, tracking your expenses, or investing in yourself and your future.

There are many ways to incorporate financial self-care into your daily routine.

When you’ve finished reading this, you’ll be clued up on how self-care and finances go hand in hand. 

You’ll even have some tips for taking care of your bank account while taking care of yourself. 

So, let’s get stuck in and explore the incredible world of self-care and finances together!


Do you know what’s super essential for keeping yourself healthy and happy? 


It’s all about taking care of yourself in every way possible – physically, emotionally, and mentally. 

It’s fantastic that there are so many diverse approaches to take!

Let me break it down for you. 

There are many different types of self-care, each with its benefits. Here are a few of ’em and some examples of how you can get your self-care on:

Physical Self-Care

Alright, let’s talk about physical self-care, my friend.

This is all about caring for your body and ensuring you’re feeling your best. 

The following suggestions can help to get your physical self-care on:

  • Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity, such as walking, running, or practicing yoga.
  • Healthy eating: Eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods.
  • Personal grooming: Take care of your hygiene, such as showering regularly and practicing good dental hygiene.

Remember, physical self-care isn’t about looking a certain way or reaching a certain fitness level. 

It’s about caring for your body and ensuring you feel good inside and out. 

So whether it’s a quick jog or a long bubble bath, find the physical self-care practices that work for you and make ’em a regular part of your routine. 

Your body will thank you!

Emotional Self-Care

two women comforting each other

This involves caring for your emotions and participating in activities that advance emotional well-being.

Examples include:

  • Journaling: Write down your thoughts and feelings to help you process and understand your emotions.
  • Meditation: Practice mindfulness and meditation to help calm your mind and reduce stress.
  • Therapy: Seek professional help to address emotional and mental health concerns.

Therapy: There’s no shame in seeking professional help when dealing with emotional or mental health concerns. 

(Go to a therapist and try it.)

A therapist’s advice can assist you in processing your feelings and developing coping mechanisms.

Social Self-Care

two men taking a picture together

This involves taking care of your social well-being by engaging in activities that promote healthy relationships. 

Examples include:

Remember, emotional and social self-care is about finding the things that bring you happiness and filling your life with ’em. 

So, my friend, look after yourself and let your soul shine!

Financial Self-Care

a saving journal with marking

Alright, let’s talk money, honey!

It is about managing your bank account and ensuring you feel good about your finances.

Here are some examples:

  • Saving: Having a little cushion in emergencies is always a good idea.

    Set aside some money regularly, even if it’s just a tiny amount, to build up a financial safety net.

Remember, financial self-care is about something other than making tons of money or keeping up with the Joneses. 

It’s about taking control of your finances and ensuring you’re in a good place financially.

So start small, my friend, and find the financial self-care practices that work for you. 

Your bank account (and tranquility of mind) will appreciate it!

The Relationship Between Self-Care And Finances

a roll of paper money

Self-care and finances are closely intertwined, and research shows that financial stress can significantly impact mental health.

Here are three critical ways in which self-care and finances are related:

  • Financial stress’s impact on mental health: Mental health can be severely impacted by economic hardship,

    And result in various concerns, including sadness, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

    This might be remarkably accurate for those who suffer from debt, unemployment, or other financial challenges.

    Individuals can reduce stress and anxiety by prioritizing self-care practices and improving their overall well-being.

  • Self-care practices can improve financial well-being: They can help individuals manage their finances more effectively.

    For example, practicing mindfulness can help individuals become more conscious of their spending patterns and earn more intentional financial decisions.

    Additionally, prioritizing self-care can help individuals avoid impulse spending and prioritize long-term financial goals.

  • Financial stability can lead to better self-care: It enables individuals to prioritize their self-care and well-being.

    Financial stability can provide security and reduce stress and anxiety, allowing individuals to focus on self-care practices that promote overall health and well-being.

    This can include investing in therapy, taking a fitness class, or simply taking time for oneself.

Tips For Incorporating Self-Care Into Your Financial Routine

a person putting a coin in the piggy bank

Alright, fam, now that we’ve connected the dots between self-care and finances. 

Let’s get to business with practical tips for incorporating self-care into your financial routine.

  • Create a budget: One of the most critical aspects of financial self-care is creating a budget.

    This can help you understand your income and expenses and make informed financial decisions.

    Many tools, such as apps or spreadsheets, help you create a budget.

    Think about working with a coach or financial counselor to help create a personalized plan.

  • Find low-cost self-care activities: Incorporating self-care into your routine doesn’t have to be expensive.

    You can do many low-cost activities to take good care of yourself, like going for a walk in nature, relaxing bath, or doing a yoga class on YouTube.

    By finding activities that don’t break the bank, you can prioritize self-care without sacrificing your financial health.

  • Prioritize self-care in your schedule: It can be simple to neglect one’s own needs when busy or stressed.

    However, prioritizing self-care in your plan can help you stay committed to your self-care routine.

    Consider setting aside some time every day or week for self-care activities, and treat it like any other necessary appointment.

  • Consider investing in yourself: Investing in yourself can be a powerful form of self-care, as it can help you grow and develop.

    This could mean taking a course to create a new skill, hiring a coach to help you work through a personal challenge,

    or investing in therapy to improve your mental health.

    While these investments may require some upfront costs, they can significantly impact your long-term well-being.

  • Practice gratitude: Finally, appreciation can be crucial to financial and emotional self-care.

    By putting more emphasis on what we have than what we lack,

    we can cultivate a sense of abundance and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

    Consider starting a gratitude journal or incorporating gratitude incorporating good habits into your routine,

    such as taking a moment each morning to reflect on something you’re grateful for.

Incorporating these tips into your financial routine allows you to prioritize self-care and improve your overall well-being. 

Remember, self-care and financial health are essential aspects of a happy and fulfilling life and are deeply interconnected. 

Caring for both creates a solid foundation for a life of joy, abundance, and well-being.

Don’t Let Money Matters Overwhelm You. Take Control Of Your Finances Now!

Are you prepared to take accountability for your money and your well-being? 

Hey, listen up! 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and need to reduce stress, boost your mood, and increase productivity, prioritize self-care. 

Download my free self-care checklist and start your self-care journey now! 

This checklist covers basic, workplace, spiritual, and emotional self-care categories to ensure you care for all aspects of yourself. 

It is jam-packed with helpful advice that will make incorporating self-care techniques into your daily routine simple. 

Don’t wait; start today to become a better version of yourself!

Alison’s Notebook

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