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Mom Review: Charlotte’s Web at South Carolina Children’s Theatre


Get ready for all the heartfelt nostalgia that comes along with seeing the South Carolina Children’s Theatre’s production of a childhood classic, Charlotte’s Web! On opening night, I was able to bring my four-year-old daughter along to watch her experience the tale of friendship between a pig and a spider for the first time. 

We giggled, shed a few tears together, and she was beaming with curiosity after the show about the story and all of the performers. This production is truly heartwarming, with amazing actors, a pleasant music selection, and a spectacular set and crew. Charlotte’s Web is running through October 8th, 2023, so grab your tickets while you still can!

What to Look Forward To at Charlotte’s Web

SCCT’s adaption of Charlotte’s Web directed by Connor Vetter and adapted by Joseph Robinette, is based on the children’s classic book by E.B. White. I remember reading the book three or four times in elementary school, because, well, I guess I resonated with a nervous, anxiety-riddled piglet. This was my first time seeing it performed and it is such a great show for all ages. This is especially true if you have a kid who’s a first-timer at a play. We both were laughing at all the hilarious characters, who each had impeccable comedic timing and really embodied their character. 

If you have never read the book (which is honestly hard for me to believe) then you need to know that the story follows a pig named Wilbur (played by Vi Hix), and a weaving Spider named Charlotte (played by Jenn Januchowski), who lives in the corner of the barn and tirelessly works to save Wilbur’s butt from becoming bacon. A trio of narrators guide the story along, while a collection of hilarious barn animals and loving humans help Wilbur along the way. 

Vi Hix was hilarious, and she illuminated the stage as the naive and sweet little pig Wilbur. She was literally rolling around on the stage, running through the theatre, and had the entire audience giggling. All of the actors poured their all into this production, and you could tell by how well they worked together to make the production flow seamlessly.

Charlotte’s Web is held on the Bell Stage, so that means a spectacular set design!  The web that Charlotte has spun is a huge part of the set design, taking up almost ⅓ of the stage. My daughter was mesmerized watching Charlotte move gracefully across her web, holstered in and floating!

As the production came to an end, the entire cast assembled at center stage in song, and I was holding back tears thinking of how beautiful the message of Charlotte’s Web truly is. A message of love, kindness, and the joy of life, and how important it is to embrace it. But also the deeper meaning of how important words are and how they can impact our perception, something I regularly talk to my kids about.

Daughter and I at Charlotte's Web at the South Carolina Children's Theatre

Upcoming Show Dates for Charlotte’s Web

Charlotte’s Web runs from September 22, 2023- October 8th, 2023. All shows are Saturday and Sunday (with the exception of opening night). All of these shows have morning and mid-afternoon viewings available.

2023 – 2024 South Carolina Children’s Theatre Season

The South Carolina Children’s Theatre has an outstanding lineup for the 2023- 2024 season! Performances take place on either the Bell Stage or the Younts Stage. Tickets for each performance go on sale a few weeks before opening night. Tickets for Charlotte’s Web can be purchased on the SCCT website, or at the box office.

  • Charlotte’s Web: September 22nd – October 8th, 2023
  • Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse: October 20th – October 29th, 2023
  • Mary Poppins: November 17th – December 10th, 2023
  • The Watson’s Go to Birmingham: January 19th – February 4th, 2024
  • D is for Dance: January 26th – February 4th, 2024
  • Pinkalicious: The Musical: February 23rd – March 10th, 2024
  • Dragon’s Love Tacos: April 5th – April 21st, 2024
  • The Spongebob Music: April 26th – May 19th, 2024

Things to Know Before You Go See Charlotte’s Web

  • The best place to park is in the SCCT parking lot. If you can not find parking there, there are a couple of paid parking lots within walking distance.
  • Tickets are assigned seating for Bell Stage performances, so purchase tickets sooner rather than later if you have a large group.
  • You can purchase tickets from the The Box Office Tuesday – Friday 10 am – 2 pm or the SCCT ticketing website.
  • Charlotte’s Web is most appropriate for ages 3 and older.
  • The show runs for 75 minutes without an intermission
  • Here is your digital playbill, now go enjoy the show!

south carolina childrens theatre


Erin Gorges

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