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Modern Warfare 3 Player Undersells Their Talents with an Old-School Trickshot


If there’s one thing to expect from the Call of Duty community, it’s the desire to show off some of the coolest kills or moments from their gameplay. However, one Reddit user decided to downplay the impressiveness of one of their kills even though it’s not one that many players could pull off.

User Kiang_x posted in the ModernWarfareIII subreddit with a clip of gameplay on Terminal titled “Actually a nice triple kill :).” This would lead most users to think that the clip would be of a few solid shots with the sniper rifle the user was running, and the first two kills of the streak would seem to confirm that theory. However, the third kill in the sequence was nothing short of brilliant.

The first two kills were on a couple of enemies trying to push toward the user and their teammates, where the user was able to ADS and take out both of them with one shot each. However, during this they started taking fire so they made a turn toward the airplane and seemingly without looking, jumped off the ledge and made an incredible shot.

As the user jumped off the ledge, they spun around and did a full 360, only to fire a single round while in mid-air without scoping in and killing an enemy in the airplane’s window. This all while taking fire from the enemy team and on the brink of death — talk about grace under pressure.

As of writing, this post on Reddit only has three comments — one of which is the OP replying to thank someone who said that the post deserves more love than it’s gotten. The lack of traffic could easily be from the subtlety of the post, not stating upfront just how impressive the shot was to pull off.

While it’s not exactly a holiday miracle, it’s worth highlighting the use of old-school tactics from some of the earlier Call of Duty games like the original Modern Warfare 3. If anyone says that the 360 no-scope is no longer a viable combat method, the best thing to do would be to show them this clip.

About the author

Nick Rivera

Nick Rivera graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 2021 studying Digital Media and started as a Freelance Writer with Twinfinite in early 2023. Nick plays anything from Halo to Stardew Valley to Peggle, but is a sucker for a magnetic story.


Nick Rivera

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