Dating & Love
Men’s Top 8 – First Date Turn Offs in Over 50’s Dating | Find a Quality Man
Men’s Top 8 – First Date Turn Offs in Over 50’s Dating
Read the blog below or watch it on YouTube by clicking here.
Many years ago, I wrote a blog for The Huffington Post called the 8 Dating Turnoffs Men Over 50 Should Stop Doing
At the time, there were over 700 comments. (Sadly, they are gone now.)
Women agreed and added even more turnoffs to the list.
And men chimed in with what they thought women needed to know that turned them off.
So today, I want to share 8 of the biggest Turn Offs to men that they revealed in their comments that day. So let’s get started.
Turn off #1 Men Want To Meet The Real You!
Over and over again, I heard about shape-wear.
As women, we’ve been sold a bill of goods when it comes to shape-enhancing undergarments.
Yes they’ll make you look 10 pounds lighter if they don’t cut your circulation off first.
But men aren’t too happy when they end up in bed with a woman who has a totally different body from the one that’s been showing up on dates together.
In their opinion, it’s like false advertising.
You want a man who’s going to like you exactly how you are — and you can have that by always showing up as the real you both online and in person.
Turn off #2 Don’t Complain About The Men In Your Life
Even if it was a bad last date or your ex did something really stupid that day, a man hates when a woman shows up on a date and the first words out of her mouth involve some type of “male bashing.”
Because he thinks you’ll do the same thing about him after your date.
If you love being labeled a Drama Queen, keep talking trash about other men.
But if it’s a second date you want with a nice man, do yourself a favor and process your stories about men with your female friends, not with other men.
Turn off #3 Post Current Pictures Of Yourself Online
Posting current pictures that are less than a year old should be an obvious one for both sexes.
And you want to post one of your face and your full body.
Men think you’re hiding something when you only post pictures of your face.
I know you have a great personality and I understand you’re probably thinking, “If he just meets me and gets to know me, he’ll really like me.”
It’s a nice thought, but that’s not how it works.
When you post pictures that don’t represent who you are today, you come across as a liar and neither you nor a man has much interest in dating someone who misrepresents themself.
By the way, this goes for age too!
If you’re 60, stop trying to pass yourself off as a 50-year-old.
There are plenty of men who will be interested in dating you just as you are.
When I met Lisa and began her “Love after 50” group program, I was 73 years old, over 6 feet tall and had not dated in many, many years. I saw these all as real obstacles to finding a relationship. To my amazement, the man I found, while working with Lisa, in addition to having every single quality I was looking for in a partner, saw these as assets! As a widower, he had not dated in many years, he loves tall women and never lets me forget that he is 2 years younger. I believe that we found each other because of Lisa’s guidance helping me get really clear on who I wanted, fine-tuning my profile to reflect that vision along with having access to all of the tools that she has created for the program and her personal guidance. Unsure and very hesitant to start dating again, she was my perfect match for making this happen in my life! Heather, New Jersey
Turn off #4 Don’t Make A Man Your Pet Project
Even though you may hate a man’s lifestyle, most men really do like themselves and the way they live.
It turns a man off when he’s told by a woman he’s dating that he has to change something about himself to fit into her life.
Either like him how he is or move on.
Turn off #5 You’re A Strong, Independent Woman. Here’s How to Use That In the Dating World
Like most women our age, chances are you’ve done a great job being “superwoman” and it’s hard to give it up but if you want an over 50’s man in your life, you’ll want to find space for him and give him the ability to feel needed by taking care of things for you.
Remember, when it comes to showing you love, men often give it in the form of actions, not words.
When he doesn’t feel you need him, he’ll move on to someone who does.
So make a decision to figure out what’s more important to you — being “superwoman” and doing it all yourself or being a woman who can accept help from a man.
Turn off #6 Watch How Much You Drink On A First Date
There’s nothing like a good dirty martini but pounding down one martini after another makes a man think you either have a drinking problem or he’s a bad date.
It also impairs your judgment, which leads to Turn off #7.
Turn off #7 Watch What You Wear And Do On A First Date
Of course, you want to go on a date showing off the best you!
But, beware of wearing clothing that reveals too much of “the girls” or any other part of your body.
When you do, you’re showing up with the vibe you want sex tonight.
If you’re looking to hook up on a first date, that’s fine – just be safe about it since the numbers for Syphilis in our age group have skyrocketed.
Turn off #8 Be Kind To Men Who Write You Online
They put themselves out there even more than you do and women are constantly rejecting them.
Even when you feel you’re not a fit, at least thank him for writing to you, let him know you don’t have enough in common and then wish him luck on his dating journey.
If we were all nicer to each other online, it would make dating so much easier for everyone.
Would you love having a good man in your life like my client Heather whose story I shared in Turn Off #3 now has?
Imagine . . . no more searching for Mr. Right.
No more wondering where can I find him?
And waking up every morning with that love and sweetness in your life.
If this sounds amazing, just click here and let’s set up a time to talk and see how we can mak e this happen for you.
Believing in you!
Big hugs ~
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