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Menopausal Relief Options – It’s About Time!


If you’re one of the 60%-80% of women worldwide who suffer from vasomotor symptoms (aka hot flashes and nights sweats), there may be a new medication available to you in the near future. It’s called Fezolinetant, and it’s especially notable because it’s non-hormonal. While we know that hormonal replacement therapy has been proven safe and effective for many women, we’re also aware that not everyone is an appropriate candidate, whether due to medical history or their own preferences.

The makers of Fezolinetant have only recently announced that the FDA approved their application, so we’ve some time before they receive word of an approval. While we won’t know for a while if it’s something women can securely rely on, the news is encouraging.

Women’s health concerns and women themselves have been left out of clinical trials for far too long. We know there is a significant gender gap in the field of research, and it shows. We need far more randomized controlled trials (considered the gold standard) that focus on women’ health issues, diagnoses and treatments. Menopause is an especially oversimplified and overlooked condition, and women who are forced to compromise on their quality of life due to acute symptoms have few options when it comes to solutions. So when I hear an announcement that indicates progress on our behalf, I sit up and take notice.

The safety and efficacy of Fezolinetant remains to be seen, but you can bet I’ll be watching. It goes without saying that I’m hoping for positive results from this drug. But I also hope for a ripple effect across the pharmaceutical industry. It’s high time they heed the demands of women who need better and greater options when it comes to our healthcare. To learn more, take our Menopause Quiz here!

For more information about Menopause or your sexual health, contact us for a free phone consult!

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Jennifer Dembo, LMSW

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