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McDonalds Is Adding Gender Neutral Bathrooms


CHICAGO – (Satire News) – Taking a cue from some European countries, McDonalds will soon be adding unisex bathrooms.

Mickey D executives stated that by installing gender neutral bathrooms it will cut down from having to clean and maintain two bathrooms to just one, while providing a place to mix the sexes, and a place to mix the condiments!

Fast food restaurant experts say that nationwide the Golden Arches will be able to save over $43 million — a figure that is sure to rise with their new addition of McHabanero Jelly to go with their McBiscuits.

The franchise disclosed that they will also have special food trays installed in the gender neutral bathroom for those customers who prefer to eat their meals in the restroom, and giant straws for those who would rather slurp their shake from the comfort of the restroom.


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