Mastering Autoimmunity Care: Insights from an FDN Expert
Mastering Autoimmunity: Summary
In Mastering Autoimmunity, FDN practitioner Ryan Monahan delves into the complexities of autoimmune thyroid disorders, drawing on his personal battle with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. He critiques the limitations of standard medical practices that often misdiagnose or delay the diagnosis of conditions like Hashimoto’s and Graves’ disease by relying solely on basic tests. Ryan emphasizes the necessity of comprehensive thyroid panels and a holistic perspective to uncover hidden stressors and address root causes effectively.
He aims to provide in-depth knowledge on these topics, offering practical tools for both general audiences and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition practitioners to better manage thyroid and autoimmune health through functional lab testing and lifestyle changes. The discussion underscores the importance of recognizing environmental and physiological triggers, such as Epstein-Barr virus, mold, and heavy metals, to improve overall cellular function and restore body balance.
Mastering Autoimmunity: Topics
00:00 Introduction to Ryan Monahan
00:31 Ryan’s Personal Health Journey
02:34 Understanding Autoimmune and Hypothyroidism
06:08 Challenges in Diagnosing Autoimmune Conditions
15:29 The Role of Thyroid Hormones
19:58 The Fasano Triad and Autoimmunity
24:13 The Human Donut Analogy
24:56 The Breakdown of the Mucosal Barrier
25:58 Immune System Response and Autoimmunity
27:10 Molecular Mimicry and Autoimmune Diseases
28:50 Reevaluating Autoimmune Conditions
30:15 Genetics and Environmental Sensitivity
31:35 The Role of Glutathione
36:10 Functional Lab Testing and Autoimmune Disease
37:52 Addressing Cellular Dysfunction
Where to Find Ryan Monahan
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