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Marjorie Taylor Greene Has Hired a Bodyguard


WASHINGTON, D.C. – (Satire News) – The most sought-after woman in D.C., Marjorie Taylor Greene recently told GOPicky Magazine reporter Tabitha Wishywater that she hasn’t been hit on as much since her high school senior year back in The Peach State (Georgia).

MKT says that she has a little red book with the names of all of the political politicians that she has gone to bed with.

She noted that the list is a who’s who of D.C. pussy grabbers; including the one and only “Groin Grabber” himself, Donald Jonathan Erasmus Trump.

Marjorie said that her recent tit augmentation, along with her botox, her varicose vein removal procedure, and the fact that she had her hooha (vajayjay) tightened has really made a big difference.

MTG told Miss Wishywater that she has so many fellas hitting on her that she had to hire a 24-hour security guard to keep the horny bastards away.

[EDITOR’S NOTE: The name of MTG’s bodyguard is Socorro Del Charco, who is a former drug cartel hitwoman from Costa Rica.]


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