When someone says the word abundance to you, you probably automatically think of wealth. I am not surprised because I do too. An abundance of wealth is fantastic and helps to make life a little easier, however, don’t forget there are other aspects of life such as abundant success or abundant confidence that can also contribute to a happy existence. I am sure you work very hard to be as successful as you can, but sometimes, it just doesn’t feel like you are doing enough. And this can create unwanted stress. The difference can sometimes be made with just a small tweak of your mindset, and this is where manifest abundance affirmations come in.

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are short meaningful sentences that you can repeat to yourself allowing you to control your thoughts. An affirmation is carefully worded to steer your mind down a certain path. These sayings are usually directed at yourself, and the intention of repeating affirmations is to promote change and self-improvement.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of affirmations out there already that you can use for all sorts of purposes, or you could have a go at creating your own.

Affirmations can be used for:

  • Success
  • Money
  • Positivity
  • Love
  • Relationships
  • Happiness
  • Self-control
  • Patience
  • Confidence
  • Improve sleep
  • Stress
  • Anxiety

And much more….

Related reading: 35 Positive Affirmations for Stress and Anxiety Relief

Why are abundance affirmations so important?

What you think determines how you behave. All too often a lot of what we say and how we think about ourselves carries negativity through it. These negative thoughts that you are having, although you may not be aware of this, impact all the other aspects of your life. Your thoughts create feelings in you, which then create actions, which naturally result in consequences.

The outcome you get then reinforces your thoughts and beliefs. So, when you think in your mind that you can’t possibly be successful or that you’ll not be able to earn enough money, your feelings and actions will cause you to behave in a manner that turns that into a reality.

However, if you look at it from a different angle and believe that you ought to have success or you think you can create the fortune you crave, your feelings will alter, and therefore so will your actions. Subsequently this then enables you to accomplish your goals. 

The first step is changing your belief and the way you think. Start with affirmations that can help you manifest abundance, and the rest will just fall into place.

What’s the best way to use affirmations to manifest abundance?

Some people say them, and some people listen to a recording of them. Either is fine.

It is a good idea to set yourself a target for example let’s say you try the affirmations for 30 days. Repeat them daily for approximately 2-3 minutes. If you want to go for longer then that is fine too. It’s all about finding what works for you.

If after the 30 days, you don’t see an improvement then it may be that you need to alter the affirmation or just persist a little longer.

Either way the 2-3 minutes you set aside each day will be very calming and fantastic for stress and anxiety reduction.

So, let’s get to the list of manifest abundance affirmations that you can choose from and start catapulting your wealth and confidence today.

Transform the way you think with 30 of the best abundance affirmations.

10 Affirmations for Abundant Success

  1. I am full of ambition
  2. I can take on any challenge
  3. Success is my friend
  4. A work-life balance is achievable for me
  5. I can be financially successful
  6. I will be financially independent
  7. I have the power to have any career I choose
  8. I will stay calm under pressure
  9. I am very clever
  10. I am focused and driven

10 Affirmations for Abundant Wealth

  1. Money comes to me with ease and no effort
  2. Money is attracted to me
  3. Nothing will stop the money coming to me
  4. I accept any money offered to me
  5. Wealth is my destiny
  6. I can make money with little effort
  7. A constant flow of wealth is coming into my life
  8. My dreams will come true, and I will be wealthy
  9. Money is my friend and likes to be with me
  10. I can make money whenever I like

10 Affirmations for Abundant Confidence

  1. I love myself and who I am
  2. I am valuable to many people
  3. I appreciate my life and what I have achieved
  4. I enjoy being me
  5. I know I have a great future ahead
  6. My best is good enough
  7. I am worthy of happiness
  8. I have lots of people who appreciate me
  9. I am intelligent and good at what I do
  10. I am strong and motivated

Final thoughts on manifest abundance affirmations

The art of positive thinking and controlling your mind to improve your future may seem like wishful thinking. Many people who have used the technique have found that it does work and have experienced an increase in success in their lives in new and unexpected ways.

Give it a go. What have you got to lose. Nothing! And what have you got to gain? Abundant wealth, confidence and success!!!

If you would like to find out more about positive affirmations Healthline.com have written a fascinating article which explains them in more details: Positive Affirmations: Too good to be true?

If you feel you would like an abundance journal to help you stay on track with your journey to success I have just the thing. Visit my Etsy shop today to get yours.

30 days of abundance digital journal

Rachel Mills

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