Rottweilers, known for their loyalty, strength, and protective nature, have quickly climbed the ranks of popular breeds worldwide. But behind those powerful adult frames lies a delicate growth phase, vital to their future well-being. For new and potential Rottie owners, understanding the typical growth patterns, including average weights and heights, is crucial. This not only ensures their pet is developing healthily but also helps in anticipating their physical needs. This article will delve into the fascinating journey of Rottweiler puppies as they transform from tiny pups to robust adults, providing insights into their average weight and height milestones.

Male Rottweiler Weights & Heights by Age

The following chart contains the average weights and heights of a male Rottweiler from newborn to 3 years of age. Please note these are only averages. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your Rottweiler’s growth.

Age Weight (pounds) Weight (kg) Height (inches) Height (cm)
0 months 15-20 6.8-9.1 8-10 20-25
1 month 20-25 9.1-11.3 10-12 25-30
2 months 30-35 13.6-15.9 12-14 30-35
3 months 40-50 18.1-22.7 14-16 35-40
4 months 50-60 22.7-27.2 16-18 40-45
5 months 60-70 27.2-31.8 18-20 45-50
6 months 70-80 31.8-36.3 20-22 50-55
7 months 80-90 36.3-40.8 22-24 55-60
8 months 85-95 38.6-43.1 23-25 58-63
9 months 90-100 40.8-45.4 24-26 60-66
10 months 95-105 43.1-47.6 24-27 60-68
11 months 100-110 45.4-49.9 25-27 63-68
12 months 100-115 45.4-52.2 25-28 63-71
2 years 95-135 43.1-61.2 25-28 63-71
3 years 100-140 45.4-63.5 26-29 66-73


Female Rottweiler Weights & Heights by Age

The following chart contains the average weights and heights of a female Rottweiler from newborn to 3 years of age. Please note these are only averages. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your Rottweiler’s growth.

Age Weight (pounds) Weight (kg) Height (inches) Height (cm)
0 months 15-20 6.8-9.1 8-10 20-25
1 month 18-23 8.2-10.4 9-11 23-28
2 months 25-30 11.3-13.6 11-13 28-33
3 months 35-45 15.9-20.4 13-15 33-38
4 months 45-55 20.4-24.9 15-17 38-43
5 months 50-60 22.7-27.2 17-19 43-48
6 months 60-70 27.2-31.8 18-20 45-50
7 months 65-75 29.5-34.0 19-21 48-53
8 months 70-80 31.8-36.3 20-22 50-55
9 months 75-85 34.0-38.6 21-23 53-58
10 months 80-90 36.3-40.8 22-24 55-60
11 months 85-95 38.6-43.1 23-25 58-63
12 months 85-100 38.6-45.4 23-26 58-66
2 years 85-115 38.6-52.2 23-27 58-68
3 years 90-120 40.8-54.4 24-28 60-71

Please note that these figures are approximate averages and can vary based on various factors like genetics, nutrition, and overall health. Always consult your veterinarian for the most accurate information about your specific dog.


FAQs about a Rottweiler Puppy’s Growth and Development

  1. How fast will my Rottweiler puppy grow?
    Rottweilers are large-breed dogs, and they typically have a rapid growth rate during their first year. It’s common for them to reach near-adulthood size by 10-12 months, but filling out and maturing can continue until they’re 2 or even 3 years old.
  2. When will my Rottweiler stop growing?
    Most Rottweilers will have reached their full height by 18 months, but they might continue to “fill out” and gain muscle mass until they are around 2-3 years old.
  3. Are Rottweilers late bloomers when it comes to growth?
    Rottweilers grow quickly in height and length for the first year, but it may take longer for them to develop the broad chest and muscular physique the breed is known for.
  4. How much should my Rottweiler puppy eat?
    The amount your puppy should eat depends on its age, weight, and activity level. Always start with the recommended amount on the dog food packaging and adjust as needed, consulting with your vet if unsure.
  5. Is overfeeding my Rottweiler puppy bad for its growth?
    Yes, overfeeding can lead to rapid growth, which can result in joint and bone problems. It’s crucial to feed a balanced diet and avoid overfeeding to ensure healthy growth.
  6. Why does my Rottweiler look thin compared to others?
    Genetics plays a role in how a Rottweiler develops. Some may naturally be leaner during their growth period and fill out later. Always ensure they’re eating adequately and consult a vet if you’re concerned about their weight.
  7. What signs indicate my Rottweiler is underfed?
    If you can see the ribs, hip bones, and there’s little fat when you touch, it may be an indication. A tucked abdomen and visible spine are also signs. However, always consult a vet for a proper assessment.
  8. Do male and female Rottweilers grow at the same rate?
    Generally, males grow slightly faster and are larger at maturity than females. By adulthood, you can expect males to be significantly heavier and taller than females.
  9. Can I predict my puppy’s adult size based on its current size?
    While you can get a general idea by looking at the puppy’s parents and its current growth rate, predicting the exact adult size can be challenging due to various factors like diet, exercise, and genetics.
  10. Does neutering or spaying affect growth?
    Early neutering or spaying can affect the growth plates, potentially leading to a taller dog. It’s essential to discuss the ideal timing with your vet to ensure healthy development.
  11. Should I give my Rottweiler puppy supplements for growth?
    It’s best not to give supplements unless recommended by a veterinarian. Over-supplementation, especially with calcium, can harm a growing Rottweiler.
  12. Why are my Rottweiler’s legs looking bowed?
    Rapid growth and weight gain can sometimes lead to bowed legs. It’s crucial to monitor their diet and growth rate and consult a veterinarian if you notice any skeletal abnormalities.
  13. How can I ensure my Rottweiler’s bones are developing well?
    Feeding a balanced diet specifically designed for large breed puppies, ensuring they don’t grow too quickly, and giving them regular, moderate exercise can help in healthy bone development.
  14. What exercise is suitable for a growing Rottweiler?
    Regular play sessions, short walks, and controlled social interactions are ideal. Avoid strenuous activities and long hikes that can strain their developing joints.
  15. How important is socialization in Rottweiler’s growth phase?
    Socialization is crucial for Rottweilers. Exposing them to different environments, people, and animals during their growth phase ensures they mature into well-rounded, confident adults.
  16. When will my Rottweiler puppy’s ears stand up?
    Some Rottweilers have ears that stand up naturally while others don’t. It’s a genetic trait, so it varies. If they do stand, it’s typically by 4-6 months.
  17. My Rottweiler has grown very tall, very fast; should I be worried?
    Rapid growth can lead to joint and bone problems. It’s essential to monitor their diet to prevent rapid growth and consult a vet if you’re concerned about their growth rate.
  18. Is raw feeding suitable for Rottweiler’s growth?
    Raw feeding can be suitable if done correctly. However, it’s crucial to ensure the diet is balanced, especially for growing puppies. Consult a vet or canine nutritionist if considering a raw diet.
  19. Why does my Rottweiler puppy have an uneven gait?
    Puppies can sometimes have an uneven gait due to their rapid growth, where certain body parts grow faster than others. This usually corrects itself as they mature. If it persists, consult a vet.
  20. Can environmental factors affect my Rottweiler’s growth?
    Yes, factors like nutrition, exercise, stress, and overall care can significantly impact your Rottweiler’s growth and development. Ensure a stable environment and proper care for optimal growth.

Ejay C.

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