Are you looking for an exercise plan that will help you lose weight fast without hours of gruelling exercise? This 15-minute workout, that I do 3 times a week, has been created to help you drop the pounds quickly, boosting your metabolism, toning your muscles, and increasing your health and wellbeing.

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Before we start please let me point out that exercise is only part of the key to losing weight. A calorie-controlled diet is also very important. A great way of doing this is by following a planned diet such as the Keto diet where you cut back on the sugar and carbohydrates that you are eating. My husband lost 3 stone this way and he loves his chocolate. So if he can do it so can you.

15 minutes in a whole day is not a lot, so do your best to slot this quick session into your daily routine somewhere. Once you have done it for a week or so it should become a habit.

Right, let’s get on with the exercise plan. Get your phone out and set a timer.

15 minute exercise plan to lose weight fast (4 phases)

1. Cardio Warm-Up (6 minutes)

Lift your heart rate up and get your body moving with this quick 6-minute warm-up routine.

Start by lightly jogging for 1 minute followed by a 30-second burst of high intensity jumping jacks. (If you can’t do jumping jacks choose another exercise that suits you)

Now for the rest of the time alternate between jogging, jumping jacks and mountain climbing.

Gradually pick up your speed as you go from one exercise to the other to make sure you get the most out of your workout.

2. Upper Body Strength Training (3.5 minutes)

This part of the exercise plan will help to reduce your body fat and build up muscles with a bonus of upper body strength training.

Here we are going to do three different exercises. Push-ups, bent over rowing and plank hold. These are brilliant for helping you to develop lean muscle while blasting the fat away.

Focus on finishing as many repetitions as you can of each exercise in 30 second bursts.

Take a rest for 1 minute and then start the next exercise to maximize the number of calories you burn.


Feel Great, Lose Weight: The Doctor’s Plan (Our favourite)

The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss

The Fast 800 Recipe Book

Stop Sabotaging Your Weight Loss: Why You Do It and How to Fix It

Winning at Weight Loss: Achieve Your Slimming Goals, Enjoy Food and Feel Great Again

3. Lower Body Strength Training (4.5 minutes)

This next exercise focuses on your core and lower body muscles. Try to do exercises like squats, lunges, donkey kicks and hip thrusts.

Do 1 minute of each exercise and focus on tightening your core muscles while you are doing the movements.

With each exercise, make sure you push yourself slightly past your comfort zone.

To finish complete 30 seconds of high-intensity burst moves, like mountain climbers or burpees!

4. Cool Down and Stretch Your Muscles (1 minute)

After finishing your exercises, cooling down and stretching your muscles is essential. This is so important for reducing soreness and post-exercise fatigue. Stretching will also help preserve the mobility of your muscles for future workouts.

Start by stretching all of your major muscle groups that you just activated in your workout. Include stretches like lunges, hip flexor stretches, toe touches and rotations. Aim to hold each stretch for at least 15 seconds.

Add to your lose weight exercise plan if you have more time

Here is an extra set of exercises if you fancy taking your fitness a bit further.

Core Exercises

Core exercises are vital for working your entire mid-section and working your abdominal muscles. To target your core, try a selection of moves such as planks, sit-ups, Russian twists, V-ups and mountain climbers.

Try to do 15 repetitions of each. Make sure you hold your core tight during all of these exercises by pulling in your stomach and squeezing your glutes at the same time.

Final thoughts

If you can get into the habit of regularly doing this exercise plan then you should lose weight with no problem. Go at a pace that works for you. If you can only do 5 minutes to begin with then that is fine. Gradually build up to the 15 minutes as you feel stronger.

As I said at the beginning though it has to be in combination with a healthy diet. Have a look at some of the weight loss books I recommended in this post which will give you a helping hand with choosing the right foods to combine with your workout.

Please leave me a comment and let me know how you got on. If you feel these exercises need tweaking I’d love to hear from you. I’m always looking for ways to improve the resources in this website for my readers.

Rachel Mills

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