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Lorax challenges The Rock in fist fight – ends awkwardly


Recently, the astonishing discovery was made that the Lorax, a beloved character once thought to be a work of fiction, is, in fact, real.

The Lorax, sporting his iconic mustache and speaking for the trees, found himself strolling along the avenues of Beverly Hills when he unexpectedly crossed paths with none other than Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

The Lorax, a staunch advocate for the protection of nature and the consequences of human actions on the environment, wasted no time in questioning The Rock about what he does to help the environment. Unfortunately, none of The Rock’s responses satisfied the Lorax, ultimately leading to an unexpected confrontation.

“I had to give that little punk a piece of my mind,” says Dwayne. “He was getting up in my face about my Dodge Challenger and giving me a hard time about my single-use take out coffee cup. Who died and made him king of the environment?! My temper got the better of me, and I lashed out.”

The ensuing battle between the Lorax and The Rock proved to be a fierce and intense affair. With agility and quick movements, the Lorax skillfully evaded The Rock’s attacks, frustrating the formidable former pro wrestler. Despite landing a couple of blows to the Lorax’s resilient nose, The Rock soon realized that battling an eco-warrior wasn’t as straightforward as he had anticipated.

“I didn’t see that coming,” admitted The Rock, nursing a sore hand. “Who knew the Lorax had moves like that? It was like fighting a furry Jet Li!”

It seems the Lorax’s blunt approach may have had a profound effect on Johnson. He has traded in his Dodge for a Chevvy Bolt and, being a shrewd entrepreneur has also introduced a reusable “The Rock”-themed coffee cup made of ceramic. (Isn’t that just a mug? – Ed)


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