ZEPHYRHILLS, Fla. — When the humidity is at its most bearable time of the year, the Williams family love to take a walk around their neighborhood in Zephyrhills with their dog, Ava.

What You Need To Know

  •  A couple in Pasco County have created a podcast revolved around marriage
  •  Talks Between Us is a podcast designed to help folks through different complications that arise in a marriage
  •  The couple that started the podcast decided to do so after seeing different marriages end during and after the pandemic
  • According to a survey conducted by the Institute of Family Studies, 34% of married people reported the pandemic had stressed their relationship

“It’s a good thing just to kind of like, be outside and get some fresh air and just kind of connect,” Vince Williams said.

Vince loves to spend afternoons like this with his daughter and his wife, Jasmine, who cherishes any family time they can get.

“We’re able to just kind of walk around and, you know, take a deep breath and decompress from the day,” Jasmine said.

Vince and Jasmine have been married for 13 years. They’ve seen a lot in that time, including the end of numerous other marriages during and after the events of 2020.

According to a survey conducted by the Institute of Family Studies, 34% of married people reported the pandemic had stressed their relationship.

“People suffered through the pandemic, emotionally and mentally, losing hope and things of that nature,” Vince said.

So, the Williamses had an idea that finally came to fruition this past November through starting a podcast called Talks Between Us out of their living room.

It’s a series the duo started to cover different topics that come up in marriages, and how the two of them have encountered these issues and worked to overcome them.

“Lot of hard work, a lot of time, a lot of energy, but fun,” Vince said. “So much fun to learn.”

While they’re not trained marriage counselors, they feel their experiences as a couple can help other marriages that might be struggling.

“We’re just honest about the things that we’ve gone through,” Jasmine said. “This hasn’t been a perfect marriage, but it’s been worth fighting for.”

It’s that vulnerability that they’re hoping continues to captivate listeners who aren’t yet ready to throw in the towel on their marriage.

“At the end of the day, there’s nothing that love can’t get you through,” said Vince.

So far, they’ve only released a handful of episodes and haven’t gained a massive following, but they’re thankful for anyone willing to listen and take their advice.

“Believe in yourself that you can take on this task of marriage being exposed, and learn to communicate and understanding the other person,” Vince said. “You can do that. It’s in you to do it if you want to do it.”

And even if just one couple takes that message to heart, to Vince and Jasmine, their job is accomplished.

The Williamses said they came up with the idea about three years ago, but were finally able to get in touch with a podcast producer to get the ball rolling near the end of 2023.

Nick Popham

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