Live-Action ‘Snow White’ Swaps Most ‘Dwarfs’ for Ordinary Randoms
The new live-action “Snow White” movie is sure gonna look different from what most people remember about the fairy tale classic — ’cause there are hardly any dwarves to be found.
A handful of on-set photos were published this week — with production going down in the London area — and based on the images here … you can see Disney’s made a conscious decision to lose most of the heigh-ho crew and replace them with random, ordinary people.
Take a look … there’s only 1 little person featured in the 7-man (and now woman) brigade. There’s also a man in blue leading the charge who doesn’t seem to be a “dwarf” himself.
As for the others … aside from the shorter guy toward the front, the rest of the dwarves are of typical height. In fact, the last one in the very back actually looks to be quite tall. The dwarves, as it were, are also of mixed races and genders … but it’s very clear they’re the ones that Snow White meets in the woods and befriends through her magical adventure.
Speaking of SW … the woman who’s seen here in the red hood is actually Rachel Zegler‘s stand-in. No word on why Zegler herself wasn’t on set for this day of shooting, but she’s already been spotted out in the whole Snow White getup … looking kinda Disneyland-esque.
Also worth noting, Disney has tried clarifying what’s being depicted in these pics. They say there are 2 stand-ins for a couple of their main actors — Zegler and a guy named Andrew Burnap — and that these photos weren’t official film photos. Sooo … pickup shots then?
What Disney appears to concede in their ever-evolving statements about these pics is that this is, in fact, what the movie will look like as it pertains to portraying the classic dwarves as we know them … aka, they’re pivoting away from having 7 “dwarfs” on camera together.
Remember, they actually said they’d be doing this on the heels of Peter Dinklage‘s viral tirade about the film … when he went on Marc Maron‘s podcast to rail against the fact they were going to feature dwarves in a manner he characterized as backwards and insulting.
WTF with Marc Maron
While some were outraged about the fact that Zegler, a Latina, would be playing Snow White … he was more concerned about showing little people in a demeaning way, and Disney heard him loud and clear … changing course. At the time, they said … “To avoid reinforcing stereotypes from the original animated film, we are taking a different approach with these seven characters and have been consulting with members of the dwarfism community.”
Time will tell how the public receives this … “Snow White” is coming out next spring.
TMZ Staff
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