Although you barely remember their names or faces, Liberal Democrats have been popping up all over your little city now that local elections are taking place.

Group members, not evil enough to join the Conservatives or not sensitive enough for Labour but still want to meet in pubs to discuss the mess that the major parties have made, while knowing their outlandish and unworkable ideas will never bring them to power, have been meeting.

The Wet Sprocket pub in Mithering on the Trent recently had a meeting.

Member Toby Longfellow said, “It was a great meeting. The five of us, barely changed since we last met four years ago, spent most of the meeting speaking about Boris, Liz, and Rishi before Sarah pointed out the fact that we had no original or even workable ideas of our own. Still, as we stand no chance of getting into power, it is a moot point.”

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