Gay Leaders in Frisco, as they like to call it, have released a press announcement that was both applauded and disliked within the gay community.
The Leaders said in a brief statement, that they will consider switching the letters around in the LGBTQAI+ acronym, primarily to make it way, way easier for newer members to remember.
‘Right now, we are looking mainly at the new acronym: BLIGQAT+,’ told the short message on its social pages.
“It’s kinda hard to forget once you’ve heard it. So, it serves its purpose. Way better than LGBTQIA+,” said a marketing manager familiar with the renaming, which has stirred controversy over the years as the acronym grew.
But in earlier test marketing studies, BLIGQAT+ had not gotten the reaction the Gay Leaders were hoping for from the community.
‘Sounds like a medical procedure,’ many have said. “And not a fun one, either.’
“Yeah, I’m not gonna ever be no BLIGQAT+” said Demi Sourpickle, who we asked about the name change outside a gay club in Frisco’s Castro neighborhood. “I’d way rather be a QILTBAG+ than a BLIGQAT+, thank you very much. I’m QILTBAG+ and proud of it!”
“Naw, BLIGQAT+ all the way,” said another patron of the bar, who said she’s been BLIGQAT+ for years. “I love it,” she adds. And had the tattoo to prove it.
Indeed, after several more opinions, there really does seem to be a growing split between BLIGQAT+s and QILTBAG+s — and it’s hard to say whose gonna win.
But, many others say that it’s only a matter of time before the Leaders turn that + sign at the end, into a few more letters, and yet another new name will become a heated topic.
“Man, they could really use a couple more vowels,” explained our marketing manager. “That plus sign at the end could be a game changer.”